It certainly has been a while since I've been on this site for more than a few mins to vote for someone's set. Truth be told, for the most part, I'm not certain why I still keep my account. Maybe it's just out of habit. I certainly am a creature of habit. Any who, life has certainly changed so much for me. I've finally relocated...
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Is peace so truly intangible that I can never hold on to it for long? I don't know. I'm told I am my own worst enemy. I know I've hurt myself far worse than anyone else ever could. Why can't I just be happy? Or, better put, why am I only happy when I'm by myself? And I mean truly happy. I've been told before...
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<3 motha fucka
I just freaked out and jumped out of bed thinking "OH SHIT I FORGOT HIS B DAY!" So glad I didn't <3
You know, this is hard to admit, but I'm thinking about seeing a therapist. Why something like that is hard for me to admit, I'm not sure. I mean, I work in a clinical environment. I treat ppl of all ages, shapes, and sizes. I know that even the biggest of guys needs help in one shape or form, from time to time. But it...
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Oh, and happy birthday, sugar!!!
Awwwwwwww... you called me cupcake!! teehee! Thank you, Bob... I love you, my friend. :-)
Leave to request... ... ... DENIED!!! ::insert extremely sad and depressed face::
Well, almost a week later and I'm finally starting to feel better. Slowly, but surely, just dragging myself out of that slump. HAVE A SAFE DRIVE, SWEETHEART!!!
I've been in Tacoma for only a few days now, but I love it! It's so beautiful. Haven't interacted w/ the local population yet, but I doubt they're anything like ppl from So Cal, and that's a plus in my eyes! I suppose this really is a good assignment to be at and I will make the most of it. I'm not gong to lie,...
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So it's official... Seattle is my new home come Nov... so excited!!!

Oh my effin' gawd! lol... but seriously, that's how I feel right now. I've been down in Seoul for the past few days getting certified in Advance Cardiovascular Life Support and I definitely was not prepared for what I was getting myself into! I mean, there I am, in a class full of doctors and nurses and lil ol' EMT me... :-/
Needless to say,...
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Needless to say,...
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I've come to a conclusion on something... .... ... I HAVE SOME MAJORLY SERIOUS TRUST ISSUES!!! 

So the time has come again... here I am, terrified as if I was that scared lil boy again on the first day of school. At least I don't throw up like I use to. That was always one of the worst parts. But even though the vomit is gone, the fear has always been there. To leave and know that you won't be seeing...
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When I think of the world, I like to remember that one quote from Watchmen:
"You see, Doctor, God didn't kill that little girl. Fate didn't butcher her and destiny didn't feed her to those dogs. If God saw what any of us did that night he didn't seem to mind. From then on I knew... God doesn't make the world this way. We do."...
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"You see, Doctor, God didn't kill that little girl. Fate didn't butcher her and destiny didn't feed her to those dogs. If God saw what any of us did that night he didn't seem to mind. From then on I knew... God doesn't make the world this way. We do."...
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Goober, and proud!
Haha. Thanks for your comments. Life has been incredibly busy lately, and just now am I able to connect with people online. Ugh. How have you been?
Haha. Thanks for your comments. Life has been incredibly busy lately, and just now am I able to connect with people online. Ugh. How have you been?
Rome was so AMAZING! Granted, there were wayyyyyyyyy more US Military than I care to see, and hear, when I'm on vacation anywhere (especially the Infantry who only seem to want to get shit faced and complain about how much they hate their lives and the military), but that in now way lessened the experience for me. Didn't get to see everything I wanted to...
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I'd love to visit. I have family somewhere there.
Thank you for the birthday wishes 

Poor, poor Mexico.... deadly flu... earthquake...
I'm too depressed to even type all of the things I wanted to write.

I'm too depressed to even type all of the things I wanted to write.