So he showed up and then after we hung out, i just wished he had never come!!
I know that i shouldn't be selfish, and just concentrate on my own selfish problems, but i am beginging to feel that i am destained to be alone forever. Poeple keep saying to me, you are only 24....but that doesn't change the fact that i feel these little piceces of my heart have been broken off and then they will never be attached and i will never be able to give my heart away again as it has been burned too many times.
I feel like sometimes there is this inner person who is screaming and jumping up and down chucking a tantrum, saying notice me and i really a troll....what is wrong with me?
I think that person inside me is wanting someone to come and play with her, to hear all the secrets inside her head....all her bizzare fantasys, her strange desires...her somwhat freakish thoughts.
Big Love + Hugs + Music Goodness to you all
I know that i shouldn't be selfish, and just concentrate on my own selfish problems, but i am beginging to feel that i am destained to be alone forever. Poeple keep saying to me, you are only 24....but that doesn't change the fact that i feel these little piceces of my heart have been broken off and then they will never be attached and i will never be able to give my heart away again as it has been burned too many times.
I feel like sometimes there is this inner person who is screaming and jumping up and down chucking a tantrum, saying notice me and i really a troll....what is wrong with me?
I think that person inside me is wanting someone to come and play with her, to hear all the secrets inside her head....all her bizzare fantasys, her strange desires...her somwhat freakish thoughts.
Big Love + Hugs + Music Goodness to you all
Thanks for the compliment on my set, I'm glad you liked it 

what a day uh!? yeah, sometimes i feel that way. well, i feel like that all the time now that my love one has left me to despair hurts like hell and i don't know what to do. i totally feel ya on what you saying there. you are to roam the world all alone trying to solve problems. just like a super hero Aquaman! haha!! i hope things get better for ya.