So i have been in a bit of a limbo for a while and haven't really updated. But wow it was great to log back on and see so many wonderful photo sets and comments!
The band that i manage are playing at their first festival on Saturday....i have so much work to do as well as trying to calm my own nerves, and stressful.
Well, i kinda need to rest up and get some zzz's....I hope everyone is wll....big hugs!!!

The band that i manage are playing at their first festival on Saturday....i have so much work to do as well as trying to calm my own nerves, and stressful.
Well, i kinda need to rest up and get some zzz's....I hope everyone is wll....big hugs!!!

probablly after i do another photoset, which shouldnt be too long i think i want tattoos on my feet or i want pin strips on the back of legs
Yay! Good luck with yer band. And it's now 54 days til my bitch arrives! Huzzah!!!!