you need to all pay your respects today. the greatest person to ever walk this earth died today. this is the first years i dont get to go to memphis for the candlelight vigil. i went 6 years in a row. life sucks. the world would be a much better place if he was still around. no one man can or ever will change the world like he did. no one had a heart like he did. you should all be greatful just to be on the same ground that he walked. i stopped taking my pills so im a little emotional. and i didnt get any sleep in a while. the memory of him will burn bright as long as people have any idea what is right in the world. long live the king. with all my love and respect......
Hey! You're from Poughkeepsie?? I'm from Beacon...right next to that. Weird...
bahahhha! you have the best pictures on this site hehah funnyyy drunk.... oh fishing is fun too, and so is the king