so here i go again, i got in trouble for this a while ago but, " if your looking for trouble, you came to the right place." i went to a show tonite, a friend of mine from st louis was doing sound for these bands. so i get in and its fukin packed from head to toe. nothing but a bunch of little high school or loser kids. this last band that every one came to see, was fukin repulsive. thats giving them a compliment. i wish guitair straps were not so strong, because the amont of time that thses stupid bands put there guitars above there heads and then jumped down with there 2 legs up in the air to tellll the drummer to start the chourus was fukin laughable. dont jump to high you will knock your mesh hat off. and the kids that got grounded for aweek will feel that you betrayed them. if only teh strap would break,,,,, what would you do????????? so it all comes back to the big????????? when did it become alright to be a pussy. ( read my friendster bullitin for my reasoning.) rock and roll used to be for us. and only us. the ones that know.bands are putting on more boring show s and playing harder music. what happened to entertainment. i might have liked the band tonite but the looked like a bunch of 30 year old meatheads and sreamin about shit that they felt when they were 13. IS THAT PERVERTED? ok im going to bed FTS
xoxo is becoming it's a start. Kimmy (the founder) is fuckin' RAD.