so i went to the bar down the street last nigtht. i was excited to have a bar within walking distance. but it was tooo good to be true. you know those bar that play a heathly mix of the new outkast songs/ rush songs/ beyonce songs/ and everyone sings along. then all the girls that are outnumbered 2-1 by guys look the same. they have straitened hair , the ugliest shirt they can find at forever 21, pointy tan shoes, those stupid ass sweater jacket coat things that look like bath robes, and ask the bartender" do you like know that drink that has like red bull and something else in it? i would totally love one of those!" then the bartender is so amped to have his new plugs in his ears and a new old navy sweater all he can do is serve budlights as fast as possible. then the oaf of a door man hassles you because 1( you have an out of state id and he has never been father than his high school. 2( because you dont have spiky orange hair any more and it doesnt look like you. its hard to work at nice establishments when you are 24 and have blue and green hair fucko 3( has nothing better to do exce ot show off for his friends. hes got some power now even tho i was born with no penis. guys just suck all together. dont get me wrong i like to pick up girls when i go out but i dont look like im a starving 3rd world child that will only survive if i get this stupid underage girl that i saw in the mall in the sack. "can i buy you a drink baby" get a life fuck face and get some game.
so im going to the city to redeam ny because i might go crazy if i dont get around some normal people. i going to hang out with some good friends i havent seen in a while. go see there band they rockturbo acs so i will have some good stories from the big apple.heres some old school......." we take your weak resistance and throw it in your face we need no introduction for mass annilation. teenagers from mars and we dont care"
so im going to the city to redeam ny because i might go crazy if i dont get around some normal people. i going to hang out with some good friends i havent seen in a while. go see there band they rockturbo acs so i will have some good stories from the big apple.heres some old school......." we take your weak resistance and throw it in your face we need no introduction for mass annilation. teenagers from mars and we dont care"
I woke up this morning with no real memory of what we had talked about, just a feeling that for about an hour I had it all figured the fuck out. Then this morning I had to go to Biology class still fucked up and on three hours of sleep--then I realized that I'm just stupid.

i went to a bar last night and realized you are OH SO RIGHT!