"You sure you're working as hard as I am, 'cause I'm sweating spinal fluid here"
- In The Loop
A mere two years between entries isn't
that bad, surely? Given that it's been a while I'm going to ease myself back in with a picture heavy general catch up.
The top five points worthy of note since I last frequented these parts:
(1) Cambridge
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We moved down to Cam'shire twenty-odd months ago and despite the fact that it's often filled with toff-faced wankers and the world's most irritating and slow moving tourists I pretty much love the place.

Cycling into town alongside the River Cam

King's College

Lazy summer days spent at Mill Pond

Harry Potter wannabe?
(2) University
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Everything that you've read about the place is probably true. The workload is soul destroying, the fellow students are irritatingly youthful and naive, and there are very many days when I wonder quite what the hell I'm even doing here.

Physical Anthropology

Endless reading

Endless caf trips for refuelling

The usual look of harassment

(3) Mini E
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She's FOUR. What. The. Fucking. Hell? In September I'll be the mother of a child who goes to school. Our time in Cambridge have resulted in her adopting rather a posh accent, much to my amusement. One day I hope to take her up to Yorkshire and watch her bewildered expression as she tries to work out what the fuck anybody is saying to her <evil>
(4) Leisure Time
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Thanks to points (2) and (3) this is pretty much non-existent for at least twenty-four weeks of the year. Mini E has developed a love of museums which certainly helps the cause, and she's just the right age for adventuring. We started camping last year, I've booked to take her to Paris in April, and we might try a few weeks of inter-railing in the summer all being well.

Brighton Marina

Cycling is as good as compulsory

Cheeky Monkeys Tea Party

Museum of Zoology
(5) Devil Cat
So that's me. What's new with you, and what have I missed?
2) This is why you have it so much harder. Maths? No reading. Everything else? Reading.
3) I can't believe she's four. I mean, I remember earlier blogs. That's amazing.
4) Interrailing? That'll be awesome. Jealous.
5) I have a cat. Technically my housemates, but he loves me more than my housemate.
I am still in London, have a beard now, and am doing a second degree. Live continues averagely.