"Look... my only serious relationship ended in a broken collarbone and a dead meerkat so I may not be the best person in the world to give advice"
- Run Fatboy, Run
I have been lurking a lot of late. In addition to some severly irritating software conflicts I can convince myself that I'm not actually wasting time that could be spent more productively elsewhere if I'm just reading but not commenting.
Plus, by the time I've finished reading some of the more hilarious threads they've usually been locked.
♥ The new Sugar Puffs advert... crimping is for winners.
♥ My lurking status seems to be having some kind of adverse effect on my language capabilities. I have found myself in everyday social situations using phrases such as; 'hella good', 'whatevs', 'it was fake/boring', and personal favourite - 'yeah I'd still hit that'
♥ More procrastination as I've been enjoying spending my free time (whilst Mini E naps) exploring the city and brushing up on my French.

♥ Did I do something to piss my immune system off? Fifth set of Antibiotics this year.
♥ I'm hoping that switching from vegetarian to vegan halts my baking overload. It had lead to an increase in visitors to my house though.... shallow assholes.
♥ I never thought that I could hold such contempt for something as mundane as referencing.
I have one more piece of coursework left to do, and my final exam is fast approaching. I start an Archaeology course next month, get a month or two off for the summer before moving onto Forensic Science and Human Biology. Busy times.
♥ Mini E turned 18 months old yesterday. We're at a stage where the answer to every question is 'no no no', and poker faced parenting reigns supreme. She must never know how amusing I find her misbehaving.
♥ What is with the weather?
It's ability to go from one end of the spectrum to the other withing a twenty four hour period is quite remarkable.

♥ Making the point to my health visitor today that my impromptu rhymes can't be much different to nursery rhymes as far as Mini E's speech development is concerned. Todays tune about salads and the relative merits of capers (set to the tune of Knives by Therapy?) is far superior to any crack whore tales about eggs sitting on walls.
♥ The Master Plan has taken a leap forward, and June will mark a week away for a holiday/house hunting excursion. We'll be heading to the south regions which is a significant change from the previous plan.

♥ Remembering what a bum it is to realise what little impact you've had on someone else's life. It's an entirely selfish notion to want such a thing, and I'm loathe to admit it.
♥ Worrying already about who to ask to write my UCAS reference. I have four months to figure it out and yet still feel like I'm on a very strict deadline.
Top five phrases I must stop using in front of my child before she starts repeating them;
(1) "Oh for fucks sake"
This could well be my mantra, and nine times out of ten I'm not even aware that I'm saying it.
(2) "Stupid bastard piece of shit"
Windows Vista.... Enough said.
(3) "Butt-puppet"
This was initially meant to be used in place of other profanic adjectives, but I'd be mortified if she shouted it out in public.
(4) "Cock Donkey"
This could lead to a picture book disaster of epic proportions.
(5) "Who's your daddy now?"
Inappropriate much?
"Sorry, can I just stop you there?...... I have nothing to say I just wanted to stop you there"
- Run Fatboy, Run
I have been lurking a lot of late. In addition to some severly irritating software conflicts I can convince myself that I'm not actually wasting time that could be spent more productively elsewhere if I'm just reading but not commenting.
Plus, by the time I've finished reading some of the more hilarious threads they've usually been locked.
♥ The new Sugar Puffs advert... crimping is for winners.
♥ My lurking status seems to be having some kind of adverse effect on my language capabilities. I have found myself in everyday social situations using phrases such as; 'hella good', 'whatevs', 'it was fake/boring', and personal favourite - 'yeah I'd still hit that'
♥ More procrastination as I've been enjoying spending my free time (whilst Mini E naps) exploring the city and brushing up on my French.

♥ Did I do something to piss my immune system off? Fifth set of Antibiotics this year.
♥ I'm hoping that switching from vegetarian to vegan halts my baking overload. It had lead to an increase in visitors to my house though.... shallow assholes.
♥ I never thought that I could hold such contempt for something as mundane as referencing.
I have one more piece of coursework left to do, and my final exam is fast approaching. I start an Archaeology course next month, get a month or two off for the summer before moving onto Forensic Science and Human Biology. Busy times.
♥ Mini E turned 18 months old yesterday. We're at a stage where the answer to every question is 'no no no', and poker faced parenting reigns supreme. She must never know how amusing I find her misbehaving.
♥ What is with the weather?
It's ability to go from one end of the spectrum to the other withing a twenty four hour period is quite remarkable.

♥ Making the point to my health visitor today that my impromptu rhymes can't be much different to nursery rhymes as far as Mini E's speech development is concerned. Todays tune about salads and the relative merits of capers (set to the tune of Knives by Therapy?) is far superior to any crack whore tales about eggs sitting on walls.
♥ The Master Plan has taken a leap forward, and June will mark a week away for a holiday/house hunting excursion. We'll be heading to the south regions which is a significant change from the previous plan.

♥ Remembering what a bum it is to realise what little impact you've had on someone else's life. It's an entirely selfish notion to want such a thing, and I'm loathe to admit it.
♥ Worrying already about who to ask to write my UCAS reference. I have four months to figure it out and yet still feel like I'm on a very strict deadline.
Top five phrases I must stop using in front of my child before she starts repeating them;
(1) "Oh for fucks sake"
This could well be my mantra, and nine times out of ten I'm not even aware that I'm saying it.
(2) "Stupid bastard piece of shit"
Windows Vista.... Enough said.
(3) "Butt-puppet"
This was initially meant to be used in place of other profanic adjectives, but I'd be mortified if she shouted it out in public.
(4) "Cock Donkey"
This could lead to a picture book disaster of epic proportions.
(5) "Who's your daddy now?"
Inappropriate much?
"Sorry, can I just stop you there?...... I have nothing to say I just wanted to stop you there"
Motherhood has changed you.
What happened to the cutting attacks on the general public?and the humorous witty sarcasm?
buy you sound quite content apart from your addiction to anti biotics.
Im on course No.6 mainly metronidazole and augmentin(serious tummy trouble)