- True Romance
At present I am contravening my most preached piece of advice and dwelling on something over which I have no control. Bollocks.
Little Miss E's First Birthday Celebrations
Top five random observations of the moment;
(1) The Open University isn't full of "people like me" as advertised
I know I've changed a lot in the last year or two, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not a bald sweaty middle aged bearded bloke. As I walked into my first tutorial I wondered whether I had in fact taken a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in some kind of paedophile convention. You gotta love the science geeks.
(2) The writers of Ugly Betty are sadistic bastards
The whole 'Santos isn't really dead' storyline in the first episode of season two... need I say more? I almost cried at the end.
(3) Christmas related insanity has started ALREADY
It reminds me of that terrible Arnie Xmas film where he's trying to get the toy for his kid but it's sold out everywhere. One of the toys I had my eye on for Little Miss E for Xmas has popped up on the '12 most popular toys this Christmas' list and is selling out everywhere already. This mostly makes me not want to buy one on principle, but I know she'll love it. Fucking crazy Xmas frenzie Iggle Piggle stealing crack whores.
(4) Radiohead are messing with my mind
How can they really be ok with me downloading their new album from their website and not paying for it? Most other bands wouldn't get a second thought, but it's radiohead and so it just seems all kinds of WRONG. I'm really only kidding myself, I know what I'm like.... I'll end up with the boxset anyway.
(5) I'm procrastinating
My first assignment should have been posted this morning at the latest, and I haven't so much as started it. I'm distracted, and every time I sit down to do it I realise quite how distracted I am, which makes me even more distracted - what do you mean that makes no sense? Get over it.
I'm ridiculously tempted to spend my next few child free hours watching 24, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Right, I have an email to write to my family. It's going to be along the lines of "I'd rather cut off my own genitals and deep fry them in battery acid than come and stay with you for a weekend", but a touch more polite and less graphic.
"The dream was real and was to change our lives forever. I kept asking Clarence why our world seemed to be collapsing and things seemed to be getting so shitty. And he'd say, 'that's the way it goes, but don't forget it goes the other way too.' That's the way romance is.... usually that's the way it goes, but every once in a while, it goes the other way too."
I want to do some OU stuff when I have the time and cash. But all from home, importantly.
Have you tried Amazon?
Pffft what's wrong with people? Being able to mock-dangle babies is half the fun...right?