Dylan Moran was (of course) fucking excellent. My only major criticism is that it didnt last anywhere near long enough and was a bit parent-tastic. That and the guy sat next to me was a grade A tosser. He was overdoing his humorous response to the show as his girlfriend had bought him the ticket. I really do hate couples. I hope they break up and the experience scars them for life.
Top five ramblings of the day
(1) Doing a spot of gardening
My gardens have needed doing for quite a while now, and being woken this morning by an eager neighbour with a hedge trimmer gave me some inspiration.
This morning my front garden looked like this;
It now looks like this;
(2) Aliens stylee sci-fi bump
As cute as it may be, there is something really fucking strange about looking down to ones abdomen and seeing movement. Its lovely and it has me in hysterics every time it happens, but there is still a small part of my brain that looks at it with suspicion. Its only natural having watched the Alien movies.
(3) The people that go on Trisha are fucking dumb
Pretty self explanatory really but I refer in particular to the people that go on Trisha to appeal for long lost relatives to get in touch. You must have seen them? The main point being that these people go on Trisha expecting to make an appeal to long lost relatives then go home empty handed. They obviously dont ever watch Trisha however as the same thing always happens. Person makes appeal, Trisha secretly finds person and brings them on the show. Why the fuck are these people always surprised by this? Its the whole idea behind the show you dumbass piece of white trash.
(4) England flags everywhere
Die die die die die die die fuck off sod off cock off leave me the fuck alone get your flag out of my face fucking hooligan arse hole toss pot dick shirt wearing knob grabbing breast staring pagans. Sub human scum. Smashing up bus stops in the city centre when we lose a match isnt fucking patriotism. Shaven headed goofy toothed fucking philistines.
(5) Bath Time
There are times when I wonder why my neighbours seem to avoid me. Then there are days like today when Im chasing the dog around the garden with a hose pipe and a bottle of doggy shampoo, dressed in some material vaguely resembling a bikini , pleading with the dog to stop, that Im not really surprised. Despite my best efforts with towels and a hair dryer hes still not quite dry, but he is looking pretty. My neighbours merely tutted in my general direction and went inside. Who cares as long as they keep paying their internet bill?!
The patio furniture is now out and ready to be lazed on. Having unpacked the hammock I got flashbacks of the whale being airlifted from the Thames ast year and promptly packed it away again. Maybe next summer eh .
People obviously come to Nottingham to go to Millets. Ive not seen one of those for years
my brother bloodhound reckons hes done monkey island 3, i dont believe him. i got the 3D one and it was shit.
did you ever get the 24 game? is it worth getting??
PS - your tummy looks HUGE - so glad i aint gotta push that through any of my bits