i did a really cool lifestyle shoot at the end of last week, it was really fun and chilled and the photog bought me a birthday card and everything!!!!
im still working out tones! when i look in the mirror i think i still look really flabby but my progress pic looks good, just gotta keep at it
This blog is called Neverland because iv reached that age were i need to be a proper adult, not just say it but act like it and it's confusing the hell outa me! I have two passions and there so different! Iv been looking a care work and also fashion.....im completely torn. What i really want to do is follow my dance movement psychotherapy but i need an MA to do that and im so sick of education! i was offered a job in care today and i have an interview to work in a rehabilitation centre on thursday.........what to do! Iv never been the kind of person to think about the future, iv always been very "here&now", i dont know what i want to do with my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(iv done this blog as a sandwich, some good ont op, some shit in the middle, and to finish a standard slutty pic)
i havent taken any nudes in ages! i feel so naughty and cheeky! hahahaha ^_^