Depressing things and my appology:
1. my publc appology for something i posted in one of the health groups that got taken the wrong way! now iv read it back i was stupid to post it, im pretty sure i was in one of my down moods that day and my brain does not function on thoose days but i know i was stupid now so sorry to anyone who didnt like what i said or was effected by it!
2. still feeling shitty, old demons back to haunt me and the worst part is that theres maybe 5 people that know about my past and whats upsetting me now...3 off thoose are in different countrys and one isnt talking to me... :/ feeling kinda helpless and it sucks to know that i have noone to talk to or help me, anyone i ever have spoken to has said tehy will be there and then realise its serious and run a mile, im sick of being let down, theese are problems iv had since i was 12 and i feel so mentally exhusted by it all, i need a human tissue on call 24/7
the lighter side:
1. should be shooting a new set hopefully wednesday or thursday with a friend photographer who is intrested in applying to be an sg too! but we need rain! so please storm for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. more hair stuff, you may have notised my hair changes alot and lots of stuff happens by basically when i had my long extentions in i fucked up when cutting them in and took a big chunk out round the back of my head...i have been in denial about this for quite some time now but im so bored of wearing extentions! with the mood iv been in recently i cant be fucked with make up and hair and other superficial BS! so i sucked it up and cut the front bits to my hair is 100% natural and getting close to natural colour! yey! i cant wait for it to grow now im over my dying it and self cutting it phase (even though this was also a self cut...... :/)
i acctually quite like it for now because i like seeing my collor bones
a posey one
3. spending lots of time with my family <3 we're very close and loud and we spend our lives lauging together <3 my best friend recently compaired us to the bradey bunch
4. long walks are also keeping me sain, i never used to be into it but just recently its like my escape, iv been walking for at least an hour+ almost every night for a while now, just me my ipod and the breeze, its really relaxing i love it! i migth go for one after this blog seeing as its a nice day
5. have you been in MR
so many beautiful people making me smile <3
6. that burn has taned slightly....i was excited that i of all the pale ghosts might tan at first but now im like..... oh...this is weird....dunno how i feel about this, but i suppose im probably still pale compaired to other tan people...
7. sorry this is so long
8. have good weeks <3 dont take your time for granted! no need to look forward to the weekend when you already have today