Hey there where have I been? hmm... don't know around some where? I kinda work now... at something I never thought I'd do or be good at so what does that say try everything.... well not everything everything but I don't know do stuff...
the weather rocks snow is gone the snow is gone life is good
got to see one of my bestest best...
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man it snowed here today! just breifly..and it'll be totally gone by tommorrow. but it was windy! yuck! i want the warm sunshine back!
new pic with lady liberty doggy style... this for you the people! wow she's look rather good actually

eeek uh gtg something to do later

viva la revolution

I try to do my part.

well it's nice you said hi to him. I guess just try to comment to him once in a while. so he feels welcome.
That's a good cartoon. It's sad but true.
guy told me I looked like howard stern I would have told him to kiss my ass but I couldn't cause I was waiting on his table... I'm like thanks sir.... JACKASS!!!

anyway rant over...

I'm trying to decide what south american country to take over... maybe in island I got a crew going already, JOIN UP NOW!!


Viva La Revolution!!!
haha. yes it seems no one wants to fuck sean penn like i do. well maybe his wife but.LOL.

so..you dont want to look like howard stern? he's famous..isnt that a compliment? he gets to look at stripers boobs and say whatever the hell he wants...

ok. anyways.so..where do I sign up for the "taking over a contry" crew? biggrin
lol. yeah I guess he's sorta ugly. I dont know what is hiding in his hair... shocked

well..why cant I be the cool, everyone loves me, chick?
holy cow so much has happened EL SUICIDO LOCO now thats there cause it's its cool what to start with waiting tables at school sucks make no money but old people are funny I waited on Mr. Penny McPincher smile haha I named him that... he ask me like ten questions about something he had no intention of ordering.... whatever
It kinda bites though I look like I'm going to...
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yes family guy rocks. and the jackass movie was histarical! I laughed SO hard!!

sorry your job sucks. I feel ya dude. tongue
EL SUICIDO LOCO sweetness....

skull skull well everyday of dining room I look like I'm gonna to a funeral it's kinda a downer frown but actual waiting table is super easy.. and old people are funny

yeah I'll do this tomorrow when I'm awake
so yeah I've been sick for like the last week feeling okay now not great,

anyways waiting tables bites ass especially if you don't get the tip money.... stupid school.... mad well being sick got me out of it on friday.. but not today today I have to go through with it... at least my sidework is cake... being tall... finally did something for me... woo...
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hahahaha! aww...that's so sweet. but I think I am FAR from the perfect woman. but I'm sure there's ones who'd dissagree. biggrin

sorry you've been sick. that sucks.

what's this about your sidewalk and being tall? are you really 6'5"???? I have this fetish for tall guys...*clears throat*
crazy hair? YOU have crazy hair? hehe.

well........I was planning on taking some pics of me in my KICK ASS hoodie. and just random pics of myself also. I've been told I need more pics of myself up..not just my pussy. wink
So today sucked tuseday suck

got the don't be late... five minutes cause the DOT was patching the road so it will make it another week mad

had to have someone else by me stuff cause I got no money mad mad mad mad mad

I hate being poor and having to count on others mad mad mad

so mad mad bye till later
aww I totally feel ya. I hate when your poor. I am and I dont like it.

hope tommorrow is better! biggrin
Being poor bites the big one. Maybe if you, unique3 and I pool our money, one of could be slightly well off.
ooo aaa
so yeah this week got a new phone it's a cheapy piece of crap... but it makes calls, and I assume it receives too.... it goes both ways biggrin

hair totally rocks now that I don't have to wear a hat everyday smile but thats cause I have to wait tables.... frown frown frown Thats right I have a class on being a waiter.... I guess it could be worse...
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yeah it was bad. I could've lived the rest of my life w/o knowing that. shit. but maybe if I pretend it didnt happen...I can go on with my life semi normal..? puke
DAMN IT!!! crap crap crap sat here and type the whole thing out only to mess with something and lose it all!!! CRAP

So you know that person

Who makes you want to scream till your head explodes, pull out all your hair, and slit your wrists?

Got any advice cause I'm needing a little help over here

Praticals this week,
Chicken Provencal
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oh well if it's a good friend, just put up with it! hehe. hopefully it's not like a roommate where you have to see them all the time of every day. smile
well of course I would miss you. you're cool. biggrin
whatever thats today in a nutshell

learned how to make sushi

50$ for a crappy replacement phone... maybe insurance isn't sush a bad idea...

my tools for ice carving have still not shone....


things will change for the better they have to............. right....?

whatever eeek cutting the hair yes or no?
Ahh Crap today sucked...

1 lost my phone

2. woke up like 5 minutes late for class

3. had no lunch or breakfast, was starving to death

4. still don't have a job

... there is always tomorrow
sounds like I have it bad, geez..did you read your journel entry? haha.

that sucks. I havent lost my phone. the best was when I droped it as I got out of the car, the stepped on it. man...

so here almost a month later a newe journal entry what to say.. still no job got an interview at place that wasn't hiring.. mad what the crap is that about...

class is back to the grind, this one is fun lost of different stuff... whatever sushi next... never eaten it made right so.. that be hard...

ice craving is finaling suppose to go somewhere this week...
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did I make fun of your spelling? I cantt spel eter. wink

I know living the past doesnt help..maybe i need to remember that...
it was healthy choice tomato& basil. I do NOT recommend it. I ate about 4 spoonfuls. it kinda tasted like the sauce in spaghettios. but not as good. puke