"In times of change, the patriot is a scarce man; brave hated,and scorned." - Mark Twain
Hmmm.... I will be voting for Obama in a few weeks, but I seem to be leaning more toward Libertarian these days. ...Well, aside from my vehement support of environmental regulations, socialized health care, and strong reformation and increased funding of the public school system; so I guess not really, but imagine how much better off we'd be right now if there had been a real republican in office for the last eight years (see Eisenhower or Teddy Roosevelt) as opposed to those pathetic neocon criminal corporatist/fascist fucks that hijacked this country. The entirety of the GOP has somehow gotten on board with big government controlled by big business. That goes against everything actual republicans claim to support. That is not free-market capitalist economics. That is not limited government. It does not support the rights of the individual. And that sure as hell isn't conservative. Everyone connected to this administration (see McCain) is aiding in the rapid decline of civil liberties and leading this country ever closer to a fascist regime. Apparently Ron Paul is the only actual republican in Washington, and there are constant attempts to defame him by citing his involvement as a libertarian, even though "libertarianism is the very heart and soul of conservatism." That is a direct quote from Reagan (shame the goddamn gipper didn't hold true to that statement throughout his occupation of the oval office), and yet today's "republicans" just don't get it.
I'm honestly fascinated with america's consistently declining ability to see through bullshit. McCain has completely abandoned many a stance he once held to in order to better fit the current state of the party, and his vice presidential nomination is a complete farce, blatantly pandering to disenfranchised Hillary supporters. His appointees and policies will be nothing less than a direct continuation of an imperialistic crusade (plainly spelled out here) whose organizational beginnings date back to 1988 with George H.W. Douche (or possibly 1981, while vp to old mother Reagan, but probably 1976 while head of the CIA under Ford, and subsequently director of the Council on Foreign Relations). And yet, the willfully ignorant "they'll take our guns" and "abortion is murder" morons refuse to look beyond their ridiculously limited and extremely naive notion of what politics are actually about and will still vote for the old piece of shit.
Hmmm.... I will be voting for Obama in a few weeks, but I seem to be leaning more toward Libertarian these days. ...Well, aside from my vehement support of environmental regulations, socialized health care, and strong reformation and increased funding of the public school system; so I guess not really, but imagine how much better off we'd be right now if there had been a real republican in office for the last eight years (see Eisenhower or Teddy Roosevelt) as opposed to those pathetic neocon criminal corporatist/fascist fucks that hijacked this country. The entirety of the GOP has somehow gotten on board with big government controlled by big business. That goes against everything actual republicans claim to support. That is not free-market capitalist economics. That is not limited government. It does not support the rights of the individual. And that sure as hell isn't conservative. Everyone connected to this administration (see McCain) is aiding in the rapid decline of civil liberties and leading this country ever closer to a fascist regime. Apparently Ron Paul is the only actual republican in Washington, and there are constant attempts to defame him by citing his involvement as a libertarian, even though "libertarianism is the very heart and soul of conservatism." That is a direct quote from Reagan (shame the goddamn gipper didn't hold true to that statement throughout his occupation of the oval office), and yet today's "republicans" just don't get it.
I'm honestly fascinated with america's consistently declining ability to see through bullshit. McCain has completely abandoned many a stance he once held to in order to better fit the current state of the party, and his vice presidential nomination is a complete farce, blatantly pandering to disenfranchised Hillary supporters. His appointees and policies will be nothing less than a direct continuation of an imperialistic crusade (plainly spelled out here) whose organizational beginnings date back to 1988 with George H.W. Douche (or possibly 1981, while vp to old mother Reagan, but probably 1976 while head of the CIA under Ford, and subsequently director of the Council on Foreign Relations). And yet, the willfully ignorant "they'll take our guns" and "abortion is murder" morons refuse to look beyond their ridiculously limited and extremely naive notion of what politics are actually about and will still vote for the old piece of shit.