If any of you would like to make any of my last sets one of your own in a sense, then maybe we can work something out with prints! I've never done any before but I'm more than willing and a portion of the proceeds would definitely A: go to the photographer, writeboy, and B: go to paying... Read More
christ, it was awful. we were going to make it into a drinking game; every time a character talks about fags or homos or not being a faggy homo or getting fucked in the ass (WITH DICKS), take a shot. but about 15 minutes in, we realized that our little game might get somebody killed.
the first was a bad movie, but at least it was fun and enjoyable. the only fun we had with the sequel was laughing ourselves stupid at the shitty dialogue and boring action beats. and, of course, sean patrick flannery's hilarious facelift.
not only want to fuck it.. but wants to buy it a late breakfast early lunch.
ROAR! jungle kat..
i heed your call... i and i alone follow your sent..
meet me in flavor country.. we will dance in the sun.
69 under the stars..
we will hunt and kill to sustain our wild displays.
let them eat cake!