🌲 #sgh #inthewoods #girlswithtattoos #girlswhosmokeweed #420 #somuchfun May 19, 2015 10 Facebook Tweet Email
adventures in the woods 🌲 #sgh #sghopeful #girlswithtattoos #girlswhosmokeweed #woodnympho #lol #h May 19, 2015 13 Facebook Tweet Email
sundies before work 😆 #sgh #sghopeful #girlswithink #girlswithtattoos #inkedgirls #sgsundies #sghs May 17, 2015 16 Facebook Tweet Email
Outfit inspired by @breezycakez 👻#workworkwork #chillin #lovethisoutfit #sgh #sghopefuls #immyown Apr 29, 2015 16 Facebook Tweet Email mint: pretty Apr 29, 2015 ultra_vampiric: Your facial features, are so... God. Amazing. Apr 30, 2015
Sundiiiiies! 💚💙 #itsbeenawhile #iknow #sgh #sghopefuls #sgsundies #girlswithtattoos #inkedgirls # Apr 26, 2015 19 Facebook Tweet Email chef: Damn! Apr 27, 2015
Eating at The Prado then a play at The Old Globe Theatre 😏 #selfiesaturday #morelike #selfieoverlo Apr 18, 2015 8 Facebook Tweet Email
No make up 😊 #myphoneishuge #uo #lovethisbra #selfiesaturday #sghopefuls #sgh Apr 18, 2015 15 Facebook Tweet Email pira: U dont need make up, really tho u r beautiful Apr 18, 2015
Any hopefuls/SGs in San Diego that want to hang out tomorrow?! 😘 #sdsg #sghopefuls #socalhopefuls Apr 15, 2015 1 Facebook Tweet Email
🍑 #fyi #thesearecalled #boyshorts #isleepinthem #theyrefuckingawesome #andcomfy #dontjudgeme #sghs Mar 29, 2015 17 Facebook Tweet Email
Selfieeee.... Sunday? Lol 😊 #alwaysselfieing #imsogladtobeoff #itsmyfriday #iwantalltheblunts #sou Mar 29, 2015 9 Facebook Tweet Email