So I went to the doctors today for the first time in a year. I had a new doctor since mine passed away. It was his daughter. I fucking hated every moment of my appointment. There was a happyness when I got measured by the nurse and I had dropped 10 pounds since last year. Now I am at 217. So I see and meet the docotor. Tell her about my accident in 02 and how my back and neck still hurt badly everyday some worse than others.
Well her thing was this. I am overweight. And everything will be magically healed if I get skinn, by exercising and dieting. WTF
ohh on top of that take a handful of pain meds from over the counter. If i wanted over the counter meds I wouldn't have spent 45 dollars to go see her. she wants me to take 2, 500mg of tylenol and 3, 200mg of either advil, ibprophen or motrin
every 6 hours WTF
i guess I will go back for my physical and then find a different doctor
funny she didn't give me a hard time about smoking though. I really wanted to cry when I left. I mean she gave me a dam nbooklet diet plan for fucking diabetics. I was happy with my body til this afternoon really. Just left the gorgeous guy I am seeings house and I was floating somewhat. I already feel not good enough for him in many ways but that is another story. I even told her about not going on roller coasters because of my back and she told me to just do whatever I want and take medicine after for pain. WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME. That can fuck me up even more. Obviously she doesn't understand my level of pain. And buy a step counter, I don't want or need to know how many steps I am fucking taking that is some gay ass bullshit.
I'll be ok its ok I just need to remember how sick and unhappy I was when I was smaller always wanted to be smaller, taking diet pills eatting next to nothing and I still felt fatter than I have ever felt so I think as long as I am happy that is all that matters I don't see how being slightly overweight is the thing that is causing all of my problems. According to charts i have found online I am 67 pounds over weight OBESE. WTF I am 5'7 and they want me to be 150. I haven't been that since I was 13. why would I want to my life counting steps and food just to live a longer life where I have to do that everyday. How can my weight effect my neck my head isn't fat. She even mentioned my boobs pulling on my back. Well I lost fucking weight and my boobs grew you explain that one.
i feel like a stupid girl for telling you all about all of this but damn it was really just fucked up like as I sat there I wanted to scream out but sat there and took it like a lil bitch agreeing out loud . She wants me to get a stupid book from the library called body for life.WTF I will have this body for life you know DUH or at least as long as my soul inhabits it. I am just disgused. I refuse to live my life counting calories, steps counting moments to my death or adding them to my life. SIGH
in other news, still seeing Ted and Ted only nothing really has changed between us which isn't bad but not so exciting.
This weeknd I had my 3 bestest friends over helping me get my house back into order so so so much work needs to be done still but they helped emensly. Hugs
So August 2nd, Cookout, my place, camping, ,my bday, ya you coming better lemme know ppl.
Hugs hugs hugs and snogs
Well her thing was this. I am overweight. And everything will be magically healed if I get skinn, by exercising and dieting. WTF
ohh on top of that take a handful of pain meds from over the counter. If i wanted over the counter meds I wouldn't have spent 45 dollars to go see her. she wants me to take 2, 500mg of tylenol and 3, 200mg of either advil, ibprophen or motrin
every 6 hours WTF
i guess I will go back for my physical and then find a different doctor
funny she didn't give me a hard time about smoking though. I really wanted to cry when I left. I mean she gave me a dam nbooklet diet plan for fucking diabetics. I was happy with my body til this afternoon really. Just left the gorgeous guy I am seeings house and I was floating somewhat. I already feel not good enough for him in many ways but that is another story. I even told her about not going on roller coasters because of my back and she told me to just do whatever I want and take medicine after for pain. WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME. That can fuck me up even more. Obviously she doesn't understand my level of pain. And buy a step counter, I don't want or need to know how many steps I am fucking taking that is some gay ass bullshit.
I'll be ok its ok I just need to remember how sick and unhappy I was when I was smaller always wanted to be smaller, taking diet pills eatting next to nothing and I still felt fatter than I have ever felt so I think as long as I am happy that is all that matters I don't see how being slightly overweight is the thing that is causing all of my problems. According to charts i have found online I am 67 pounds over weight OBESE. WTF I am 5'7 and they want me to be 150. I haven't been that since I was 13. why would I want to my life counting steps and food just to live a longer life where I have to do that everyday. How can my weight effect my neck my head isn't fat. She even mentioned my boobs pulling on my back. Well I lost fucking weight and my boobs grew you explain that one.
i feel like a stupid girl for telling you all about all of this but damn it was really just fucked up like as I sat there I wanted to scream out but sat there and took it like a lil bitch agreeing out loud . She wants me to get a stupid book from the library called body for life.WTF I will have this body for life you know DUH or at least as long as my soul inhabits it. I am just disgused. I refuse to live my life counting calories, steps counting moments to my death or adding them to my life. SIGH
in other news, still seeing Ted and Ted only nothing really has changed between us which isn't bad but not so exciting.
This weeknd I had my 3 bestest friends over helping me get my house back into order so so so much work needs to be done still but they helped emensly. Hugs
So August 2nd, Cookout, my place, camping, ,my bday, ya you coming better lemme know ppl.
Hugs hugs hugs and snogs
You are perfect the way you are hun. Dont let a doctor tell you that you need to loose weight. She was just mad because she isnt as beautiful as you
If I was there id give you hugs till you feel better. Take care babe and stay just like you are cause you are beautiful

Doctors these days suck! most of them just want you in and out and let the nurses do most of the work.