my heart has just been broken the hardest ever in my entire life. Normally I would not blog about things so personal but I need to let it out.
This week I came up here to canada to see my bf and meet his mom for the first time. Then today he was to be coming back with me to meet my family and what not. Well its all over now. Last night after his mom knowing me all of 6 hours not including sleep she decided he wasn't allowed to see me anymore. When the night before she was sitting with us working out all the little details. I can't believe I drove 10 hours up here to be treated the way I was. when he came down to tell me I broke down. and then she came down and proceeded to yell for no reason. The reasons for me and him to be together not or what ever where ridiculous and all came down to her being a controlling mother. so of the reasons where age which is 4 1/2 years difference i am 26 and he is 22. I disagree strongly that is not an issue then she said he needs to concentrate on school which he is going to be a doctor and I full support that and would never interfer how could I ? I am in virginia and he is in canada. SO she begins to get louder and crazier and brings up things like how hard she has worked since his dad passed and etc etc. Basically I asked her to please not yell at me and she told me to leave. Its now 11 at night and this woman is kicking me out of her house in the middle of the night in a strange country where I have no one. He walks me out and hugs me crying the both of us and she comes and drags him back in the house.
This woman is insane. Today I woke up and called him and went to meet with him he explains how he doesn't ever want to lose me and cant and I give him words of wisdom and so does my granny via phone. He tells me she is verbally abusive controlling and she honestly makes life so that he needs her. She won't let him grow up and when she does give him soemthing independant to do she sets him up for failure. She has never praised him or said she was proud of him in his life, he has no friends I am his first real gf and no other family.
After seeing him today he said he was going to stand up for himself. I got an im from him that went like this
I am kicked out , which is what we thought would happened because she said she would disown him oh and to top it off he got his marks and failed one from school so he thought she would disown him for that too. anyways so he said I got kicked out , for having my own opinion,
I asked him if he wanted me to come get him because I decided to stay because he wanted me here for support if that was to happen he said no I will call you when I am ready so I waited somemore
then I got the worst news in my life.
he said goodbye to me
he said he got to the door and couldn't do it
I made him call me on the phone to tell me because I still can't believe it
she has him that warped
I mean she told him she was heartbroken and couldn;t sleep the night I was there
she is sick , she is replacing his dad with him and he will be 28 when he is done with school and won;t be able to even make it in the world
A part of me died today
I truely thought in my heart and soul he was the one
not just anyone but the only one
I am so Broken
and here I am in canada all alone crushed
I can't even contact him
I can't believe this all happened
its a nightmare
I was going to post that the other day about how adorable he is and so wonderful and he still is. There is nothing worst than having love taken from you when the other person still cares. Its like he is dead.
SO I return to virginia tomorrow 10 hrs alone a trip to get my dreams crushed my heart broken and lose the most important person in my life.
every plan I have made for him to come visit now has to be broken or carried out alone which will only remind me of him. I wish he had had the strength to stand up for himself.
SIgh I am sorry for the blog really but I have never felt this down except when my first love overdosed and died.
This week I came up here to canada to see my bf and meet his mom for the first time. Then today he was to be coming back with me to meet my family and what not. Well its all over now. Last night after his mom knowing me all of 6 hours not including sleep she decided he wasn't allowed to see me anymore. When the night before she was sitting with us working out all the little details. I can't believe I drove 10 hours up here to be treated the way I was. when he came down to tell me I broke down. and then she came down and proceeded to yell for no reason. The reasons for me and him to be together not or what ever where ridiculous and all came down to her being a controlling mother. so of the reasons where age which is 4 1/2 years difference i am 26 and he is 22. I disagree strongly that is not an issue then she said he needs to concentrate on school which he is going to be a doctor and I full support that and would never interfer how could I ? I am in virginia and he is in canada. SO she begins to get louder and crazier and brings up things like how hard she has worked since his dad passed and etc etc. Basically I asked her to please not yell at me and she told me to leave. Its now 11 at night and this woman is kicking me out of her house in the middle of the night in a strange country where I have no one. He walks me out and hugs me crying the both of us and she comes and drags him back in the house.
This woman is insane. Today I woke up and called him and went to meet with him he explains how he doesn't ever want to lose me and cant and I give him words of wisdom and so does my granny via phone. He tells me she is verbally abusive controlling and she honestly makes life so that he needs her. She won't let him grow up and when she does give him soemthing independant to do she sets him up for failure. She has never praised him or said she was proud of him in his life, he has no friends I am his first real gf and no other family.
After seeing him today he said he was going to stand up for himself. I got an im from him that went like this
I am kicked out , which is what we thought would happened because she said she would disown him oh and to top it off he got his marks and failed one from school so he thought she would disown him for that too. anyways so he said I got kicked out , for having my own opinion,
I asked him if he wanted me to come get him because I decided to stay because he wanted me here for support if that was to happen he said no I will call you when I am ready so I waited somemore
then I got the worst news in my life.
he said goodbye to me
he said he got to the door and couldn't do it
I made him call me on the phone to tell me because I still can't believe it
she has him that warped
I mean she told him she was heartbroken and couldn;t sleep the night I was there
she is sick , she is replacing his dad with him and he will be 28 when he is done with school and won;t be able to even make it in the world
A part of me died today
I truely thought in my heart and soul he was the one
not just anyone but the only one
I am so Broken
and here I am in canada all alone crushed
I can't even contact him
I can't believe this all happened
its a nightmare

I was going to post that the other day about how adorable he is and so wonderful and he still is. There is nothing worst than having love taken from you when the other person still cares. Its like he is dead.
SO I return to virginia tomorrow 10 hrs alone a trip to get my dreams crushed my heart broken and lose the most important person in my life.
every plan I have made for him to come visit now has to be broken or carried out alone which will only remind me of him. I wish he had had the strength to stand up for himself.
SIgh I am sorry for the blog really but I have never felt this down except when my first love overdosed and died.
Oh my
Wow, wow, wow.
Hon, I am so incredibly sorry and I'm shocked.
Nothing I can say can make you feel better...I know that.
Try to take care of you and your heart ok?