Today I talked to my stepmom and found out that my dog (that lives with them) had to be put to sleep wednesday. She was having a hard time breathing adn my parents found her lying on the back porch with blood coming out of her nose. They took her to the vet and he said he believed she had a cancerous tumor. He said that her heart was very strong but she had fluid around her lungs. So they had to put her to sleep... at least she isnt suffering now though, but it still sucks, espcially since my stepmom didn't call to tell me. I only found out b/c I called her to see if my little brother wanted to see me on my b-day. It's typical of her, when my first dog passed away my junior year of HS, that my Mother had given me when I was 4 on Valentine's Day, she had him taken away before I got home from school and didn't even keep his collar and tags for me, as well as not asking me wheher I would want to have his ashes or something... I don't know some sort of humane gesture would have been nice...................Oh well, I know I shouldn't expect more from her, so why do I??

sorry to hear about your doggy