So tired of girls. What ever happened to women. I really am thinking of moving home to the big sleazy. I really can't stand little girls any more. "Wait you'll piss my dad off" is apparently the stupid girl mentality here. I'm getting a tatt that says project material on my hand! When do people grow up? I have my own business and that is...
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any "girl" that thinks owning a business is uncool is a total idiot

Mojito!!!! It's officially "Easter Bunnies Drunk on Mojitos Day". Why? Cause I said so. Drink a mojito or I might just cry.

Rode barton springs greenbelt today. Only puked a little
It's freaking hot. I forgot it was a holiday and all the little highschool sluts were out frolicking in the water. I'm such a dirty old man

i went running down there not long ago and was mesmerized by the high school boys baseball team stretching out before practice. truly a thing of beauty


Sooo tired of cleaning. It never ends. I swept up enough fur to build a army of new dogs. Damnit, I gotta go to pool league in an hour. Manana going riding... going to make it up the hill of life if it kills me. And of course puke my brains out

does your pool league play at slick willies?
have you ever played a blond guy with a black panther tattoo on his forearm, he is in league of some sort.
Come kill some nerds with me!!! Tonight at the main event way up in north fuckin' jesus. It's only $10 for all the games you want to play.

that's the funniest thing i have heard all day

Snipers downtown!!!
No really, there are snipers on the roofs down there. I know it sounds crazy but the po po are ready to shoot any texas relay mofo they can. Scary but true. Go see The Brownstars at 9 at Redrum tonight. I command you!!!
No really, there are snipers on the roofs down there. I know it sounds crazy but the po po are ready to shoot any texas relay mofo they can. Scary but true. Go see The Brownstars at 9 at Redrum tonight. I command you!!!

um, the hot tub makes bubbles, but does not get hot. boo

the deal with the chick sounds like a sticky situation, and not in the good way if you know what i mean

Drove out to muleshoe and did a ride. No puking...Hoorayyyy!!!! I actually deserve the beers I'll be drinking later. Gotta remember to get up early and take all my crappy tax info to the accountant. He better save me lots of money...because if its some... Sorry homer possessed me for a second gotta run and get a mirror so I can shave.

glad you didn't puke

i have to work all weekend, and am house sitting for one of my bosses. gotta stay close to the house and watch his dogs. my doggie gets to play in the backyard, so it is cool. not to mention i get cash, pills, and beer for doing it

Soooooo. I find out tonight that the girl I met yesterday is one of my fairly close friends ex-wife. Fuckin' A man. When life gives you lemons you make lemonade later to find out the lemons were laced with bird flue or some shit.

i hope you didn't puke on your ride today. i used to date a guy in a pool league, i hope you don't know him, he is a total douche

So I went to have some cocktails and play some pool with some friends. I thought I was pretty slick bringing some normal shoes with me. Time to leave... my bike shoes are in the bar. Try riding home on clipless pedals in slip-ons. It gets better... I get home and discover I left my keys at home. Thank god I haven't always been a...
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