Just got back from killing some shit. I am a terrible shot right now. Pretty much all the furry and or feathered creatures are safe around me. Didn't help that I couldn't sleep the whole time I was gone. Monday I turn "Middle Age"! Big party at the bar. $200 tab. Drink till you can't see straight or until you have to buy your own...
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I was in the dumps all day. New light!!! Jessica just messaged me and likes my new tatts. She even has a pic of her and her friend in china town picking a huge foo dog's nose. Ironic... I think not. 6 days till I hop on the wagon. yikes!!!
So very tired. My mom comes in town tuesday. She's going to cry. She's never seen any ink and I think i might have to wea sleaves just so she doesn't lose her shit. Going to sleep now. g'night
So my mom is maybe going to come in town wednsday now. My aunt lapsed bask into a coma yesterday. I'm so tired of death. Sure you can romanticize it... but its still shitty. I would still give anyrhing to have my pop back. Here's to hoping everything will turn out alright.
So I just found out the girl I had been dating had a little secret. She thought she was in love with her best friend before we started seeing eachother. So months go by. I take it really slow. It took me 2 plus years to be ready for a relationship. I told her this. She still decides its a good idea to date me....
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fuck it dude, let's go on the wagon together, and you can be my drill sargeant trainer

Biscuits were great last night. I haven't seen that much stage diving in at least 15 years. I get my other arm colored tonight. Should be fun. Of course I'll have to get drunk afterwards. On a more personal note... I've had this weird feeling like I just can't relate to people. Like I'm an outsider. Maybe I just need to shut off my brain...
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i don't think anybody wants to relate to me, i am a social dipshit, but you know that already! good luck on the color, and have a drink for me

I'm not the suavest of all the guys out there, as I'm sure you know. That damn chick who really loves my skynyrd hat is at it again. she's 23 and retarded. she thinks that by being a bitch she might get me to notice her. Its funny for me. She puts on her bitch aire and I walk away. She always comes running later...
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i don't know if i can compete with all that

got the second foo last night. That makes 3 big tatts in under 2 weeks. My skin must hate me. Cant wait to start color on them. October 4th MASTODON!!!!! Only the best band ever... live at emo's.
why would i want to comment on my own blog?

I sit down for my first session on my foo dogs in 2 hours. Kinda really nervous. They are freaking huge. They take up both of my upper arms. Hopefully I'll make it through at least outline and shading tonight. It has been 3 weeks since the breakup. I was minding my own business last night trying not to think about her or at least...
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i want to see pics of the foo dogs

i like the new tattoo. and to my knowledge, no guy has dumped me for another guy YET.

ok. I'm drunk, and in need of sleep. This rollercoaster keeps me slamming my eyes closed and i guess from wrething. I dont like my life and i think i need a hugr change. On the other hand, everything that i lay down on tape is some of the best shit i have ever heard. i'm not tooting my horn. I hate everything i've ever...
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Its weird they way emotions come in overpowering waves. One second I feel nothing but love. 5 minutes later I am the lonliest most depressed dude this side of a penniless bill gates. I like tattoos they make me so giddy. 3 so far this year and probably at least 3 more this month. I'm going to run out of skin before i turn 32.
yeah, i am itching for some new ink, i just have to find something i really want, and it has to fit with the one already on my back.