What does it all mean and where do I come into play?
The guys from tool just may step up and jam too
The guys from tool just may step up and jam too

ugh, i don't want to be in any way associated with frat boys, unless i am eradicating them from the earth.
what time is the show?
Fuck ohio state!! There are 40,000 fucking red shierted asswipes in my town. I appreciate the money they are bringing but that still gives you no right to be an ass clown. I wish my home town asshole cops were here to explain their rights to almost al of them. I'm sure you've seen cops mardi gras. Apparently if your on vacation you are absolved...
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I love my friends. I sometimes forget how much they love me back. I hung out with a girl I've had a crush on for years the other day. She just told me at least 5 of my friends told her "if you ever fuck with and or hurt me they will kill her". A bit extreme but I think it got the point across....
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i think my friends have pretty much given up on me ever finding a guy.
Ok. I'm an idiot. While I was getting some ink work some of my friends came in alll boozed up wanting Jose to put tattoos of 2 for 1 hamburgers on them. Apparently it was 2 for 1 day at jackalope and they thought it was entirely too funny. Anyway, after I was done I went by the bar and proceded to get drunk with...
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going to get my obligatory stars stuck under my fleurs on my arms today. Shit in 30 minutes. I gotta get rolling. Sober tattooing. This will be weird. i'm weak I may just have a shot and a beer

survived my first day of sobriety. I'm sure I will toss and turn all night eventhough I'm dead tired.
I survived!!! Now to hop on that crazy wagon. AMy friend, who I've had a crush on for years, just hopped on the wagon last week. We get to be the uncool people. At least we'll be uncool together. If anyone has a spare liver in an AB- let me know.

jeez, where was dinner? sounds like fun. i was talking about el chile, ever been there? gotta take pupper to the vet now, but give me a shout later if you are bored.
Holy shit I'm 30!!! Don't really feel any different. Just hung the fuck over. Bad part is that tonight is the real party. I might not make it through the first day of 30.
Happy Birthday, guy!
cheers to you.
and don't you know the best hangover cure is going out and doing it all over adain?
cheers to you.
and don't you know the best hangover cure is going out and doing it all over adain?