Feeling weird. All the exes are freaking me out. Its amazing how people you thought wouldn't ammount to anything are doing such great things. Well at least thats what they say. I'll chalk it up to reunion stories. People still make me crazy with their stupidity. This soccer mom decided to switch lanes right into me. I drive a giant work truck.. it's 18 freaking...
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so a wise man (my business partner to be) told me I take everything way too seriously. He's spot on. I don't know how to just change myself but i'll try. Where does one start though? I'm taking some time off to fix up my classic trucks now just in time to get one rolling for our wonderful weather. Overstressed, over boozed buddhist automotive restoral....
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I smell like a chick right now and my dog likes it. My friend christina decided my shins were scabby and rubbed this horrible rose smelling moisturizer on them. It's making my nose run. If she wasn't so damn beautiful i'd have to kick her ass. G'night
So last night mel gibson came into the bar. He swwore he wasn't drinking and ordered a bottle of water. People went fucking nuts. I guess they forgot about his drunken rant about how the jews made him get caught in a drunken rampage. Maudie is cooking her famous enchiladas for cartoon night tomorrow be there or miss the best food ever.
p.s. i love...
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p.s. i love...
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you dont happen to work at the alamo drafthouse do you?
i hate Mel Gibson

So I awoke to a thunderous crash on my roof. I'm scared to go look. I really dont want to fix a roof today
be ware the birchmen! No really they'll mess you up man. If they dont get you that crazy Cysquatch will. Nothing meaner than a cyclops sasquatch. Take my word

yeah, saturday is my best shift, and i am so fucking broke right now. no idea how i am going to get through the rest of this month.
goddamn, you made that burger sound so good!!!!! i thought about you last night. i waited on an lady that was chugging sambuca like water

Its now 5:30 am. I just got home. Spent the last hour scouring the bar for the owners keys. They are on his passenger seat of his car. Tryed to get into his car. Long story. I'm home now... thank big fat buddha. going to hibernate for hopefully 10+ hours. night all.
Got a pair of maneki neko on my shins last night. Go to emo's tonight for the relapse show
i want a maneki neko on my neck

I am so lonely in a crowd. Cheers to some work on my shins manana. I wrecked my bike 6 times today. Laugh it up. I'm in serious pain. Broken heart = broken body... i guess

hooray acl. Too many peeps but at least they're spending the money
they aren't spending it at my restaurant

Hope you slept well.