close to last call this little girl comes up to talk to me. She spouts some shit about the kentuky mountains. She says something about religion and her blue grass family. She talks about a book... I say, hey, you mean the fire fox books? She came on the spot. Aparently no one knows about those great books that teach you how to skin a pig and build stills. As soon as her boy, who unfortunatly i know, realizes she is in a decent conversation he runs over and puts a stop to it. I guess the moral of the story is... tang is more important than people sharing a good read. fuck that shit. Oh, check out the fire fox books, you may not be a survivalist but they sure are a good source of drunk knowledge

aparently there are now 12 books instead of the 3 i grew up with. Wow, the hillbillies of the apalaichans sure can write

did you fly your kite?