About 2 months ago i met thins girl who just moved here from S.A. She was very nice and fucking georgous. We went and had lunch one day. She told me she wouldn't eat fish because fish poop in the ocean where they live. I told her cows poop on the grass they eat. Stupid conversation. I removed her from my phone after that. This morning she called me and told me she had a wake up call when she went to the e.r. for a case of alcohol poisoning. So she came to see me tonight. WOW!!! She came bounding down the street to me and wrapped her tiny body around me. She was actually so happy to see me. It made me feel like a million bucks. Anywho, we will probably start hanging out again so long as i can keep my mouth from spurting stupid things. Good night all... for the first time in a while i can go to sleep with a grin

i really can't remember being in this much pain, and i am not a pussy about shit like this. i really wanted to run today, that didn't happen.
I won't eat fish for about the same reason (and the histamines in them bother my asthma). But also because they stink. I won't even have a fish tank in the house. I don't eat much meat these days either though. The grass / poop argument is one I've heard before... lol. Funny...