so a wise man (my business partner to be) told me I take everything way too seriously. He's spot on. I don't know how to just change myself but i'll try. Where does one start though? I'm taking some time off to fix up my classic trucks now just in time to get one rolling for our wonderful weather. Overstressed, over boozed buddhist automotive restoral. Not a catchy title but thats where i feel i need to be
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 02, 2006
Just got back from killing some shit. I am a terrible shot right now.… -
Wednesday Aug 30, 2006
I was in the dumps all day. New light!!! Jessica just messaged me and… -
Monday Aug 28, 2006
So very tired. My mom comes in town tuesday. She's going to cry. She'… -
Sunday Aug 27, 2006
So I just found out the girl I had been dating had a little secret. S… -
Saturday Aug 26, 2006
Biscuits were great last night. I haven't seen that much stage diving… -
Monday Aug 21, 2006
I'm not the suavest of all the guys out there, as I'm sure you know. … -
Monday Aug 14, 2006
got the second foo last night. That makes 3 big tatts in under 2 week… -
Thursday Aug 10, 2006
I sit down for my first session on my foo dogs in 2 hours. Kinda real… -
Tuesday Aug 08, 2006
ok. I'm drunk, and in need of sleep. This rollercoaster keeps me slam… -
Friday Aug 04, 2006
Its weird they way emotions come in overpowering waves. One second I …