One of my best friends is moving away fo a job. We had crazy picture weekend. I look at me today and see this hollow shell. It kills me to see how i look today and compare it it 3 years ago. What the fuck happened to me. Every wished for a do over? me too
april 6, Fu Manchu, Emo's, I am soooo there. you should be too.
How are you?? smile
Going home for x-mas. I'm in limbo. I lost my love of work. I have no passion to draw and or design anymore. Hopefully the new year will change all that frown
Ouch. my arm hurts. I'm such a baby. more sleeve work to continue thursday. then maybe some pictures will appear

Tonight is the first rehearsal for the greatest come back of all time!!!! Just kidding. It will be nice to be playing shows again though
Its weird how everything comes full circle if you live long enough
for example?
OK, SO THE SG LIVE CRAP REALLY KINDA SUCKED. I went with my friend vicki and we decided to leave very early. Apparently all we missed was 5 giant fights. People suck. NEW CARTOONS TONIGHT!!!!!! FINALLY
Aww, should have come up to Dallas for it instead, we had a good crowd at least- everyone was well behaved as far as I could tell. wink