Ok So..I can't decide what I'm going to do next semester. I want to live in an apartment...cause I want my own room and don't want to have to eat the school's food anymore. There are apartments on campus...I applied for them. I don't know if I got it. If I did get it, they're only through the semester schedule. I want to stay in Baltimore (not this summer but the next one) , so I'll have to get an apartment. They have oncampus apartments that are uber expensive, and they are also uber nice, and year round. Or I could go cheaper and get off campus, but then I'd need to find a roommate that would live off campus with me..hmm...what to do what to do. I guess I'll just have to keep my eye out for a decent roommate. Anyway, wow my semester's almost over..I register for classes tomorrow *yay* I love picking out new classes. I have so much crap to do and study for. Ok later dudes!
I just looked at the room postings..I didnt' get an apartment! I'm in a double again...should I just stay? I really don't want to have to deal with 3 new strangers and a double!!! Esp. with having a boyfriend, and they sleep wierd hours here! GAH!!!WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

ooooh youre worse than me this week with your journal
i hope youre doing well, catch me up!

i hope youre still in one piece! let me know how youre doing