I got my hair cut again...it's sooo short to me! My mom's gonna kill me when she sees me tonight!!!
Oh well, Draper says it's really cute, but then is he going to say otherwise, I mean really? So I'm going home tonight, sunday being easter and all. I've got so much crap to do, and then there's all the stuff I want to do. I'm thinking about going by the nursery I used to work at and pick up some plants, it's just so expensive. If I ever get rich, that would be the first thing I do, buy tons and tons of plants, and landscape everywhere (after I buy like 5 acres of property of course)
It'll be beautiful, I've already got it all planed out...at least an acrea or so of it anyway. Hope everyone has a good weekend and a good easter and all that stuff.

So when do we get new picks of the cropped hair? I hope your mom wasn't too angry with you. My parents were pissed when I first butchered mine, but they get over it, honest.
And I bet it looks cute.