Today I got into my first car crash. 
I had made a pretty sweet video blog but seeing as how now none of that can compare to my wreck... haha ill just tell you about my wreck.
So like i said i was going to visit my mother in law. I was LESS THAN A MILE FROM HER HOUSE and i stopped turn onto JD Walton (her street). Me and Ava were singing our little hearts out to A Day To Remember and I had just talked to Matthew. I checked to see if any cars were coming and there were. Two were coming. So i was waiting... waiting and singing and then WHAM.

I didn't lose consciousness but i must have hit my head because the next time i opened my eyes my ears were ringing, i had to blink a few times to get a clear few and we were slowly rolling forward. I shook my head a little and then my hearing gradually came screeching back and all I heard was Ava screaming. All of a sudden it hit me like a fucking brick wall "Oh my GOD , my baby! MY BABY!" I looked back and other than crying she seemed to be okay. Then there was a knock on my window. The man who hit me was a little bloody and there were two people who had stopped and were helping us out of the van and across the street. That's when I started having a sharp pain in the back of my head and getting very dizzy...
Soon the ambulance arrived and so did the police. We exchanged information and they all thought it best to take me and my baby to the E.R. for a check up. Ava was fine but me... ugh.

The prescribed me a bunch of muscle relaxers and pain meds and made me another doctors appointment and my pain has gotten worse by the hour.
The good news is my van annihilated that dudes truck. My back windows weren't even busted, it just fucked up my bumper but his insurance covers it all! His truck however, is fucked. Unfortunately Ava and I have school tomorrow and I do NOT want her riding around in a two seater truck (my only other vehicle) so long story short I now drive a gold 2006 Impala.
It's not a Honda Fit but it will do for a couple of months. Plus I kinda like it. haha
so... how was YOUR Monday?

I had made a pretty sweet video blog but seeing as how now none of that can compare to my wreck... haha ill just tell you about my wreck.
So like i said i was going to visit my mother in law. I was LESS THAN A MILE FROM HER HOUSE and i stopped turn onto JD Walton (her street). Me and Ava were singing our little hearts out to A Day To Remember and I had just talked to Matthew. I checked to see if any cars were coming and there were. Two were coming. So i was waiting... waiting and singing and then WHAM.

I didn't lose consciousness but i must have hit my head because the next time i opened my eyes my ears were ringing, i had to blink a few times to get a clear few and we were slowly rolling forward. I shook my head a little and then my hearing gradually came screeching back and all I heard was Ava screaming. All of a sudden it hit me like a fucking brick wall "Oh my GOD , my baby! MY BABY!" I looked back and other than crying she seemed to be okay. Then there was a knock on my window. The man who hit me was a little bloody and there were two people who had stopped and were helping us out of the van and across the street. That's when I started having a sharp pain in the back of my head and getting very dizzy...
Soon the ambulance arrived and so did the police. We exchanged information and they all thought it best to take me and my baby to the E.R. for a check up. Ava was fine but me... ugh.

The prescribed me a bunch of muscle relaxers and pain meds and made me another doctors appointment and my pain has gotten worse by the hour.
The good news is my van annihilated that dudes truck. My back windows weren't even busted, it just fucked up my bumper but his insurance covers it all! His truck however, is fucked. Unfortunately Ava and I have school tomorrow and I do NOT want her riding around in a two seater truck (my only other vehicle) so long story short I now drive a gold 2006 Impala.

It's not a Honda Fit but it will do for a couple of months. Plus I kinda like it. haha
so... how was YOUR Monday?

Hope you're not in pain for too long. Rest up (there isn't really an appropriate 'support' emoticon, but if there is this is where I'd use it. I guess I'll settle for the pirate, if anyone can make you feel a bit better it's him)