Contract signed and deposit payed, i have somewhere to live from the 1st July. Although i'm kind of excited and i want to move now! Walked around looking at house things today (my mum calls it ''nest building'') got a bit caught out by him saying it was half rent for july and august though. Turns out it's not. so i've got to pay 400 a month for july and august untill R gets his student loan in September. once again for the forseeable future i have no money. feels like i work 40hrs a week for sod all.
still least i wont have any batard housemates anymore!
still least i wont have any batard housemates anymore!
its 580 a month and thats very cheap.
but i really need 700 a month to pay for rent and bills but i cant afford 580 a month let alone 700
the only way i could afford it is if i never went out or ate anything