summa summa summa-time its summa-time.
I am home for the summer it is official. Pretty much stoked to be staying in one place for more than two weeks.
looking forward to loitering around downtown seattle and living it up in ankle deep puddles. hell to the yeah.
I have surgery in 9 hours to have my wisdom teeth removed and not stoked about it. I have this horrible paranoia about those in the medical profession being complete screw ups and idiots...or actually just being mere mortals. thank you zack braff for humanizing individuals i would like to be infallible.
as of now, i cannot eat or drink until i wake up from the laughing gas. i kinda wonder as to why that is. maybe the anesthesia makes you so numb you pee yourself or something. i have no idea but that would definitely not make me happy. to wake up wet and in pain. nope, no bueno.
at this point i'm just rambling for a lack of something better to do.
I'd like to start reading more... anyone have any suggestions for some good nonfiction?
I am home for the summer it is official. Pretty much stoked to be staying in one place for more than two weeks.
looking forward to loitering around downtown seattle and living it up in ankle deep puddles. hell to the yeah.
I have surgery in 9 hours to have my wisdom teeth removed and not stoked about it. I have this horrible paranoia about those in the medical profession being complete screw ups and idiots...or actually just being mere mortals. thank you zack braff for humanizing individuals i would like to be infallible.
as of now, i cannot eat or drink until i wake up from the laughing gas. i kinda wonder as to why that is. maybe the anesthesia makes you so numb you pee yourself or something. i have no idea but that would definitely not make me happy. to wake up wet and in pain. nope, no bueno.
at this point i'm just rambling for a lack of something better to do.
I'd like to start reading more... anyone have any suggestions for some good nonfiction?

are you looking for something political? autobiographical? dave eggers' heartbreaking work of staggering genius is pretty damn great!