One of the programs my residence hall just put on was the price is right, safe sex style.
So, I was called up there the first round, stayed up there for like 4 more and when I finally went up there to play a game, I lost.
They said it was supposed to be easy too.
I didn't win any of the prizes and all it did was help me realize how long its been since I had regular sex.
in other news, I've been contemplating starting a photo blog. but then i realize i live in the middle of fucking nowhere and there is pretty much nothing to take a picture of. but i suppose its worth a shot.
i sound like all the negative people i really dislike. i dont mean to, thats not who i am i swear!
anyway. promise updates in a more timely fashion from now on.
One of the programs my residence hall just put on was the price is right, safe sex style.
So, I was called up there the first round, stayed up there for like 4 more and when I finally went up there to play a game, I lost.
They said it was supposed to be easy too.
I didn't win any of the prizes and all it did was help me realize how long its been since I had regular sex.
in other news, I've been contemplating starting a photo blog. but then i realize i live in the middle of fucking nowhere and there is pretty much nothing to take a picture of. but i suppose its worth a shot.
i sound like all the negative people i really dislike. i dont mean to, thats not who i am i swear!
anyway. promise updates in a more timely fashion from now on.
have a great V-day