I have been really serious about writing my dreams down. I feel like since I started to write them down I have been having stronger ones. I had a dream the other day and it was like a mystery movie. There were all these twists and there was a potential murder and I was figuring it all out. Wierd... I just woke up to write down another where I beat the fuck out of a good friend of mine for calling me a bitch, for throwing things at another friend because he wouldn't help me find my bike.
This is really early for me to be awake. I am surprised. Tuesday is my day off and I usually sleep in much later but I had to write down my dreams and now I am just up, I guess. I figured it would give me some time to write a little something in my blog that I have neglected pretty badly. I guess I just feel like I have nothing to say. Nothing matters. I haven't done anything exciting. In fact, I sued my old landlady and fucking LOST. Pretty exciting...
I have been trying to alter my clothes for the summer that will be over soon. Maybe I should just quit while I am ahead. When it gets cold I will surely complain that I have no more pants, as they have all been turned to shorts and skirts.
I am broke and it keeps getting worse. I am in debt to the student loan lenders, to PECO, to Comcast, and whoever else. Everyone else... My hours have been cut back at work because we have been too slow to stay open for our normal hours. When all the schools are open again things will change but I still only make $7.25 an hour, which if you ask me is a crime. The value of our dollar goes down every day but wages have not been raised to be able to handle it.
You know what? I think I need some fucking coffee. I will leave you with some old pictures that i never posted.

I miss having dreads...
This is really early for me to be awake. I am surprised. Tuesday is my day off and I usually sleep in much later but I had to write down my dreams and now I am just up, I guess. I figured it would give me some time to write a little something in my blog that I have neglected pretty badly. I guess I just feel like I have nothing to say. Nothing matters. I haven't done anything exciting. In fact, I sued my old landlady and fucking LOST. Pretty exciting...
I have been trying to alter my clothes for the summer that will be over soon. Maybe I should just quit while I am ahead. When it gets cold I will surely complain that I have no more pants, as they have all been turned to shorts and skirts.
I am broke and it keeps getting worse. I am in debt to the student loan lenders, to PECO, to Comcast, and whoever else. Everyone else... My hours have been cut back at work because we have been too slow to stay open for our normal hours. When all the schools are open again things will change but I still only make $7.25 an hour, which if you ask me is a crime. The value of our dollar goes down every day but wages have not been raised to be able to handle it.
You know what? I think I need some fucking coffee. I will leave you with some old pictures that i never posted.

I miss having dreads...
That stinks about work being slow. I been outta work for a while and can relate to the pressure of bills. Somedays are good for me and other days I freak out...haha
Awesome pictures by the way!