What up ya'll! Spring is here finally! Since it is St. Patrick's Day and also my friend's birthday I am trying to do something really fun tonight but I would like to avoid the douchie "bros wearing green and being really loud and obnoxious" kind of bars. So... I think the plan is to surprise her and take her bowling. I think it will be a little less crazy and more intimate this way and we can still have fun and get super wasted. I haven't been bowling for a really long time so it should be interesting!
Another one of my friends is staying in the area for a couple of weeks. She is this really beautiful giant ray of sunshine and I always feel better about everything when she is around. She's a cute little artist girl who is totally nuts and extremely inspirational and motivational. This chic is fuckin' awesome; my muse.
Anyway, my little sugar brought me some copies of photos she took of me a while ago so I can show them to you!

Yea, I know they are all out of order but I like them and thought you would too!
Another one of my friends is staying in the area for a couple of weeks. She is this really beautiful giant ray of sunshine and I always feel better about everything when she is around. She's a cute little artist girl who is totally nuts and extremely inspirational and motivational. This chic is fuckin' awesome; my muse.
Anyway, my little sugar brought me some copies of photos she took of me a while ago so I can show them to you!

Yea, I know they are all out of order but I like them and thought you would too!

Happy easter to you too Ms Elu....hey it rhymes