How frugal is too frugal? I think I might have a problem. I am so bad at shopping. I need some practical things for my apartment and I never want to spend the money for quality things like a dish rack for example. I have one, but its in bad shape. I got a gift card for Macy's and I thought it would be a good place to get some of the things on my list that would make my life a bit easier. The card is for $50. I would like to be able to stretch that money as far as it can go but that means buying things that won't stand the test of time instead of just buying one or two things that are really nice that will last. What to do what to do...
I know. My brother thought I shop at best buy lol. I guess I could make use of it.
Quality for sure, cheap things look cheap and quality stuff just lasts forever! It just means it takes longer to have a house full, but its sooooo worth it!