It's infuriating how cowardly racists are. If you are gonna hate someone- at least do it to their face! I am so tired of "putting up with" my uncles ridiculous comments because I work with him and I know if I freak out he will lose his job and my aunt and grandmother will suffer. But I have endured the last conversation with words like "just shoot them all" and then today his thoughts on how although the actors were great in Lincoln he hated it due to the fact that he WISHES SLAVERY NEVER ENDED. Like how can you say this???? How how how can you act like this is a normal opinion and like you are saying you prefer snickers to Reece's ?! I'm just so infuriated I had to leave. Just fucking kill yourself. And to top it off we work with 5 black women who's asses he kisses all fucking day long and pretends he loves!! He brings them in stuff, he does them favors.. He even talks about how some are attractive. I don't get it. I feel like he thinks he's supposed to be racist but he doesnt even hate black people. And did I mention other assholes were just nodding along with him while he expressed his slavery bullshit. I want to spit on this fucking asshole.
I would call that shit out, family be damned. Not. Okay.
NE is kind of similar, and North Portland is growing into a pretty cool place.
NW and the Pearl are pretty happenning in their own ways too.
If I were moving in from out of town and hoping or a neighborhood that is pretty alive, I would look in the Hawthorne area and in the Mississippi area.