The buzz about global warming has been in my ear for as long as I can remember. I never did the proper research like most Americans who spend their time worrying which politicians to choose based on their cooperation with things that more directly affect them presently, (abortion, gay rights, death penalty). But I have always worried somewhat about the future of this world and what my children and grandchildren would have to deal with because of something I did, or in some cases, didn't do. Now, this being said, I buy energy saver appliances and light bulbs, recycle as much as possible, and proudly sport a reusable bag at all costs. I even pressure my friends to no end with turning out lights, carpooling, littering and a diet that consists of food made from the vicinity of our homes. I assume I am helping in some way, but I had no idea what way. That's why I am proud to have finally done some reading on global warming.
The problem as I have seen it in a few Time magazine articles, a couple well sited websites and an online encyclopedia is this: there is a seemingly drastic change in the earth's near surface air and oceans and this directly affects natural disasters happening around us. These problems mostly caused by flooding and draught. Why won't Americans take these issues seriously? Some believe it is our fault, and some say it is not a human phenomenon. I will discuss both with you.
Now, Time is my most trusted magazine. When I read something in there I almost always take it to be truth and have never been faced with a reason to think else wise. But this was also what I thought of the news as a child, and after seeing Outfoxed, felt differently. So I will look at this as objectively as I can. The article I read spoke of climate change as a war that we need to fight since we seem to be one of the main causes of the problem. According to Time, "The U.S. produces nearly a quarter of the world's greenhouse gases each year and has stubbornly made it clear that it doesn't intend to do a whole lot about it. Although 174 nations ratified admittedly flawed Kyoto accords to reduce carbon levels- The US remains the land of the Hummer." So it sounds to me like kindergarten psychology; If you are the one making the mess, you should be the one cleaning it up. Now, there are two sides to every story but my first thought is, conserving, changing to better the environment is a no harm, no foul plan. I don't see how it could be negative even if it isn't a man made phenomenon. But lets continue with this article of Time's side of the story.
They have a nice list of companies that have come up with some ways to help the problem of global warming on many levels. First, is a Spanish company called Acciona who has their own lists of interests but most importantly would be solar thermal - a cheap form of solar power. Finavera Renewables is a Canadian company with roots in Ireland who's solution comes from using the motion of the ocean to produce electricity. Petroalgae, a renewable bio fuel, Hycrete, a new concrete that reduces the amount of waste and toxic chemicals used in construction. It seems to me that there are plenty of people working on ways to do their part. But this seems like a very difficult task that we don't have nearly enough people on board for. I next read an article by someone who disagreed and it shed a little light into why some people aren't worried about global warming.
Reading an article in the Canada Free Press online, I came across a man named Tom Deweese. He stands by the idea that Global Warming is a hoax that was created for political agendas. Basically from reading his articles I found that he thinks that there is money to be made in this idea and so the government and some scientists (even NASA) has been persuaded into doing biased studies on the environment to push the idea of global warming and scare Americans into believing it. He puts it very simply that there are two types of scientists, ones that research in a way I am sure you are familiar with "peer review" which he says that if you are in a controlled experiment that anyone else could go back into that situation and get the same results. But, there are other scientists who manipulate their results. I related to this concept because it is a huge problem in psychology and control groups in advertising. If people are picked randomly for a study the results are more likely true then say, if you pick specific people to get the results you are looking for. Deweese believes that with a group of sponsors and the fact that these scientists need funding for their theories, they will develop results based on an outcome that they have predetermined that they need.
Basically, relating to global warming this means he doesn't believe real scientists are worried about it and neither should we. He says there is no evidence to prove global warming at all. Period and even goes on to state "In fact, scientific research through U.S. Government satellite and balloon measurements show that the temperature is actually cooling very slightly .037 degrees Celsius. He says changes in global temperature is natural and that the changes being caused are effects of El Nino.
Those are two sides to a story, which I am sure there is a hundred more sides too but I am glad that I have taken the time to learn something about each. My basic opinion on it all is not whether or not there is global warming, but more importantly, how would I feel about continued irresponsible behavior just because I have heard of different theories. Suppose everything I had learned of littering was a hoax, does that mean I should feel comfortable being a slob and throwing my trash on the ground? No. I will always believe that we should drive less, use less energy, and waste less. I believe that there are many other countries working towards the goals of global warming, and that it wouldn't hurt to help out. If other countries see that we aren't doing anything, what's to say they will stop what they are doing and then we will really see a turn in events. I guess none of this matters to non believers like Tom. I wonder if he leaves his lights on to prove a point, lets the water run while he brushes his teeth and gets extra plastic bags at the shopping market just so he can express his views when criticized. I'm not sure. But I do think that there are consequences for all that we do, and ours will catch up with us sooner or later.
The problem as I have seen it in a few Time magazine articles, a couple well sited websites and an online encyclopedia is this: there is a seemingly drastic change in the earth's near surface air and oceans and this directly affects natural disasters happening around us. These problems mostly caused by flooding and draught. Why won't Americans take these issues seriously? Some believe it is our fault, and some say it is not a human phenomenon. I will discuss both with you.
Now, Time is my most trusted magazine. When I read something in there I almost always take it to be truth and have never been faced with a reason to think else wise. But this was also what I thought of the news as a child, and after seeing Outfoxed, felt differently. So I will look at this as objectively as I can. The article I read spoke of climate change as a war that we need to fight since we seem to be one of the main causes of the problem. According to Time, "The U.S. produces nearly a quarter of the world's greenhouse gases each year and has stubbornly made it clear that it doesn't intend to do a whole lot about it. Although 174 nations ratified admittedly flawed Kyoto accords to reduce carbon levels- The US remains the land of the Hummer." So it sounds to me like kindergarten psychology; If you are the one making the mess, you should be the one cleaning it up. Now, there are two sides to every story but my first thought is, conserving, changing to better the environment is a no harm, no foul plan. I don't see how it could be negative even if it isn't a man made phenomenon. But lets continue with this article of Time's side of the story.
They have a nice list of companies that have come up with some ways to help the problem of global warming on many levels. First, is a Spanish company called Acciona who has their own lists of interests but most importantly would be solar thermal - a cheap form of solar power. Finavera Renewables is a Canadian company with roots in Ireland who's solution comes from using the motion of the ocean to produce electricity. Petroalgae, a renewable bio fuel, Hycrete, a new concrete that reduces the amount of waste and toxic chemicals used in construction. It seems to me that there are plenty of people working on ways to do their part. But this seems like a very difficult task that we don't have nearly enough people on board for. I next read an article by someone who disagreed and it shed a little light into why some people aren't worried about global warming.
Reading an article in the Canada Free Press online, I came across a man named Tom Deweese. He stands by the idea that Global Warming is a hoax that was created for political agendas. Basically from reading his articles I found that he thinks that there is money to be made in this idea and so the government and some scientists (even NASA) has been persuaded into doing biased studies on the environment to push the idea of global warming and scare Americans into believing it. He puts it very simply that there are two types of scientists, ones that research in a way I am sure you are familiar with "peer review" which he says that if you are in a controlled experiment that anyone else could go back into that situation and get the same results. But, there are other scientists who manipulate their results. I related to this concept because it is a huge problem in psychology and control groups in advertising. If people are picked randomly for a study the results are more likely true then say, if you pick specific people to get the results you are looking for. Deweese believes that with a group of sponsors and the fact that these scientists need funding for their theories, they will develop results based on an outcome that they have predetermined that they need.
Basically, relating to global warming this means he doesn't believe real scientists are worried about it and neither should we. He says there is no evidence to prove global warming at all. Period and even goes on to state "In fact, scientific research through U.S. Government satellite and balloon measurements show that the temperature is actually cooling very slightly .037 degrees Celsius. He says changes in global temperature is natural and that the changes being caused are effects of El Nino.
Those are two sides to a story, which I am sure there is a hundred more sides too but I am glad that I have taken the time to learn something about each. My basic opinion on it all is not whether or not there is global warming, but more importantly, how would I feel about continued irresponsible behavior just because I have heard of different theories. Suppose everything I had learned of littering was a hoax, does that mean I should feel comfortable being a slob and throwing my trash on the ground? No. I will always believe that we should drive less, use less energy, and waste less. I believe that there are many other countries working towards the goals of global warming, and that it wouldn't hurt to help out. If other countries see that we aren't doing anything, what's to say they will stop what they are doing and then we will really see a turn in events. I guess none of this matters to non believers like Tom. I wonder if he leaves his lights on to prove a point, lets the water run while he brushes his teeth and gets extra plastic bags at the shopping market just so he can express his views when criticized. I'm not sure. But I do think that there are consequences for all that we do, and ours will catch up with us sooner or later.