When it comes to dishing it out I can do it with the best of them. Whem it comes to taking it, I have shoulders to carry a world.
Sooooooo.... if you feel it necessary to think you have one up on me remeber this:
Nemo me impune lacessit.
no-one attacks me with impunity.
I live by that motto so much that I had it tattoed in my skin.
Hey and if your going to put stuff on this sight expect people to comment on it, positively or negatively.
Thanks my thought for the day.
Sucks to be you.
Sooooooo.... if you feel it necessary to think you have one up on me remeber this:
Nemo me impune lacessit.
no-one attacks me with impunity.
I live by that motto so much that I had it tattoed in my skin.
Hey and if your going to put stuff on this sight expect people to comment on it, positively or negatively.
Thanks my thought for the day.
Sucks to be you.