OK here it is, Sunday, the Lords day, the day of rest. Right now I am sequestered to the gulag of suburbia. House/dog/cats/bird sitting for my sister and her husband. I will take express buses to and from work. I will travel with other civil servants to and from their places of work. I will sit in my cubicle and I will serve the public. I will answer their inane and repetative question. I will have to deal witth their "it's not my fault attitudes", hear their whining, disfuse their anger, and satisfy their petty complaints. NOw I know from where true facsism grows. Do these cretins really think they have freedom and choice? Is say take it away. make them rise up. Give them their freedom by forcing them to take it back. Our world is fillied complacent fear ridden fools that only have the desire to gratify themselves with bigger and bigger: TVs, SUVs, DVDs, PCUs, HMOs, ETCs! George W, Bush invades foriegn countries trying to satisfy americas thirst for oil. BUt oil is limited and so there to goes the future of your america. The clock is running down america and there will soon be no more oil to wind it back up. the future is coming to and end and the void awaits us all. there is no hope.
Fuck it, I'm going to Old Navy.
nullThere is no hope
Fuck it, I'm going to Old Navy.