I am very impressed with people who keep up on their journals. It's either that I have nothing interesting to say or I am just far too busy doing interesting this to update this regularly.
I'm not sure if the news regarding the annual seal hunt has reached the mass media monster of the US beside the dumb and dumber show that our Newfoundland premier ( the equivalent of a governor) And Sir Paul McCartney put on Larry King live but it seems that the effect was so profound that the famous McCelland family of your lovely Minnesota decide to right all our senator's that the would not be returning to Canada for their annual visit,
I one of our dear senators felt so compelled but this letter to responded that she did so...with both barrels!
Senator Cline Hervieux-Payette was happy to let the McCellend's know that once the have solved the war in Iraq, the incarceration and extermination of predominately black criminals and the exacerbation of the pervious problem by selling handguns with less consideration that the desperate attempt to spot the concealment of nail clippers on flights not only internally but abroad then the could happily turn their attention back to resolving the age old seal culling that never seemed to bother them on their previous trips.
Well let me tell you, we Canada that we won't have the wonderful McCelland family tripping across the 49th parallel this or any other year that we have gone into a state of permanent mourning and celebrated the loss with a wake. The fact that it took place on the 17th, St. Patrick's day, is merely a coincidence.
Please com back, dear McCellends! We will personally take you to the killing feilds of the St. Lawrence ice flows to first hand witness the immediate liberation of the opressed seals. What's that behind my back you ask? Why that just a club I use to break up ice. Blood? on the bat? No, NO! It just paint to...let me find it on the ice of I were to set it down. NOw step right this way..I'm right behind you...
I'm not sure if the news regarding the annual seal hunt has reached the mass media monster of the US beside the dumb and dumber show that our Newfoundland premier ( the equivalent of a governor) And Sir Paul McCartney put on Larry King live but it seems that the effect was so profound that the famous McCelland family of your lovely Minnesota decide to right all our senator's that the would not be returning to Canada for their annual visit,
I one of our dear senators felt so compelled but this letter to responded that she did so...with both barrels!
Senator Cline Hervieux-Payette was happy to let the McCellend's know that once the have solved the war in Iraq, the incarceration and extermination of predominately black criminals and the exacerbation of the pervious problem by selling handguns with less consideration that the desperate attempt to spot the concealment of nail clippers on flights not only internally but abroad then the could happily turn their attention back to resolving the age old seal culling that never seemed to bother them on their previous trips.
Well let me tell you, we Canada that we won't have the wonderful McCelland family tripping across the 49th parallel this or any other year that we have gone into a state of permanent mourning and celebrated the loss with a wake. The fact that it took place on the 17th, St. Patrick's day, is merely a coincidence.
Please com back, dear McCellends! We will personally take you to the killing feilds of the St. Lawrence ice flows to first hand witness the immediate liberation of the opressed seals. What's that behind my back you ask? Why that just a club I use to break up ice. Blood? on the bat? No, NO! It just paint to...let me find it on the ice of I were to set it down. NOw step right this way..I'm right behind you...

I try to keep mine as updated as I can. It's responding to comments that's the catch