So it's been a while and I haven't had much to say.
And I still don't
New studio, going well, going there soon, going to shower.
All the importat things in life.
Hey with all the destruction and disease these days do you think the end times are near?
One can only hope.
"...and the last to come was a pale horse and on it's back a pale rider, and his name...death."
Hey, nice scythe!
later, children of the beast.
And I still don't
New studio, going well, going there soon, going to shower.
All the importat things in life.
Hey with all the destruction and disease these days do you think the end times are near?
One can only hope.
"...and the last to come was a pale horse and on it's back a pale rider, and his name...death."
Hey, nice scythe!
later, children of the beast.

also, creepy is vague... not creepy in the "6'6, 125pound, bug-eyed, child molester, priest" way. but in the "should i let this guy in our group he seems like he show up to our event and try to fuck every girl" kind of way.
and not that i should talk, i love hot naked girls, but when that is all that is on the list, it seems intentional, like you only WANT chicks that are hot and nude as your friends. which is OK in and of itself, but also very antisocial in a way as well.
it's not even something that bothers me so much as it was the first thing i saw when i came looking for ammo against you... for the "horse you rode in on" type Bush comment you made to me.
let's just start over from right before we made those comments. deal?
i was still wrong for going with the personal blast. and whether of not i have an opinion on it personally, i would not let it be the only thing i judge someone on. same goes for political orientations. and even if i did, your peofile pic would score you enough "kickass" points to bring you back to even, lol.
[Edited on Oct 29, 2005 6:58PM]
You both have inspired me to change my profile pic.
I guess I'm just not the aggresive type.
Oh, I got the pic thing, it was more a commentary on the whole aggressive/calling out nature of the thing. And I thought it was funny. heh. It is, kinda.