I have been to the future.
I feel like I should wait to write this until after everything happens. But, this may be my last chance. So many things are about to change. All of the memories of my journey are so good. Everything that I have always worked for and dreamed about coming true. So why would I come back?
There are several consequences...
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I feel like I should wait to write this until after everything happens. But, this may be my last chance. So many things are about to change. All of the memories of my journey are so good. Everything that I have always worked for and dreamed about coming true. So why would I come back?
There are several consequences...
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So I'm working on this new project and I am looking for people to collaborate with me on it.
The project is based on a story I wrote. It is a love story based during a zombie outbreak. I am planning on telling it through graphic novel style images that I am going to photograph and then "paint" in photoshop as well as an accompanying...
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The project is based on a story I wrote. It is a love story based during a zombie outbreak. I am planning on telling it through graphic novel style images that I am going to photograph and then "paint" in photoshop as well as an accompanying...
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Annoy Thundarr.
Maybe your project with get his artistic arse in gear.
Maybe your project with get his artistic arse in gear.
Like good music?
I did all the promo shots for both of these bands and am very proud on how they turned out...
I'm especially happy with HiFi Driveby's shots and their myspace design.. They are a super fun electro rock band who just moved up here (like me) from central florida.
Alli Wilcox is a rocking indie chick who sounds like a cross...
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I did all the promo shots for both of these bands and am very proud on how they turned out...
I'm especially happy with HiFi Driveby's shots and their myspace design.. They are a super fun electro rock band who just moved up here (like me) from central florida.
Alli Wilcox is a rocking indie chick who sounds like a cross...
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My fiance was arguing with the physics department about the logical safety of going to the basement of the physics building with all the explosive chemicals 

ah, well being a bear is pretty sweet. i sleep all the time. eat berries, fish, and the occasional hiker. yogi bear and i kick back sometimes and throw down a couple brews. life is pretty simple as a bear, its nice

Saturday March 28th, 2009
I have been fairly silent for awhile. Several recent events have prompted me to break the silence and give you a little insight into my current state of mind.
I have realized that I am terrible with words. I used to think I was one of the most eloquent people I knew. I probably still am. But, I've realized that...
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that is exactly how i feel .
beautiiifulll photos
yeah, when i browse sg and see awesome tat work i start craving more
yeah, when i browse sg and see awesome tat work i start craving more
so cute. 

been super busy lately.
i have been writing a lot. doing a lot of photography stuff. i put up a few self portraits i took this past week that i kind of like. hope you like them too. i've finally been getting my portfolio together and have a few bands lined up that i'm going to shoot in the next few days that i'm excited...
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i have been writing a lot. doing a lot of photography stuff. i put up a few self portraits i took this past week that i kind of like. hope you like them too. i've finally been getting my portfolio together and have a few bands lined up that i'm going to shoot in the next few days that i'm excited...
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come over my cute little alien.
dude, i miss you so much.
we need to have a chat date! please?
love you
we need to have a chat date! please?

love you
my life is so weird.
like most of the time if it wasn't me living it. i wouldn't believe it all happened to one person.
right now everything is happening so fast and i am being forced to make life altering decisions, but it seems like time is moving so slow and i have so much time to second guess every decision i make.
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like most of the time if it wasn't me living it. i wouldn't believe it all happened to one person.
right now everything is happening so fast and i am being forced to make life altering decisions, but it seems like time is moving so slow and i have so much time to second guess every decision i make.
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get back in my life.