So I got the job. I'm so excited. It was super nerve racking going in and doing a strip tease while a bunch of guys critiqued me. But apparently they liked it/me and we are going to have rehearsals with a choreographer starting next week and then our first show is Feb. 8th. If you are in the area message me for details. Did I...
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soooo proud of you!!! smile
hope you have a good one! smile
so thursday i have an audition to be a gogo dancer at a club here in nashville. i am super excited. it is pretty much my dream job. i am so nervous and excited and my hopes are all up about it.
my next post will be from my new home in tennessee... <3
Good luck on the move !!!!
i leave for tennessee in five days. i'm super excited to get out of florida.

right now there is a party going on at my apartment and i'm feeling anti social and i'm hiding.

i hope everyone's holidays were spectacular.

i put in my two weeks notice today at work. my boss cried. then i got an email telling me not to discuss my resignation with anyone and they had a plan... so im hoping they find something for me up in nashville or they let me work from home up there.

oh and my band posted a rocking version of silent night. it's like...
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wow, nice pics! smile
what camera are u using?
i have felt more alive than i have in a long time.

i really feel like i am in a good place in my life and finally have some direction and am doing what i should be doing. i just wish that i had more time in the day to get things done. or i could clone myself and have an extra me to get...
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just finished uploading some demos we recorded for my new musical project onto the myspace



i have really enjoyed having the past few days off from my "real" job. i am so not meant to have a 9-5 job. i can't wait to move and just be able to focus on music and art and photography.

blah blah blah

music is coming along great.

moving to nashville jan 2nd.

we just signed a band in canada who i think is going to blow up.

not literally but i think they have great potential

you sir, are a hunk.
so the music thing is going really good. hopefully i will have some stuff up for you to listen to in the next few days.

i'm about 99% sure that i'll be moving to nashville, TN soon. like next month. i can't stand it in florida anymore and i need new friends.
so i haven't been on the site in forever. i have been really busy which is good. i'm doing what i love. my friend and i started up our own record label and we are in the process of recording and developing a few artists. it just sucks that we both still have to work our day jobs. but we are soliciting a lot of...
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sorry about the gf frown kiss
yeeaaaay about the label shocked biggrin kiss
congrats and good luck with the freelance!!!
so i think the "hurricane"

has finally passed us. i was without for internet and cable tv for over 24 hours.

it was terrible. haha

no damage just a lot of flooding
Aww, that blows frown
And I hear you on the techno-deprivation-- after settling from the panic, I usually end up with a book and a flashlight... not so bad biggrin