Don't drink more, drink better! You'll be wowed with the money saving ideas in this month's "Off the Wagon!" For example, did you know that both your tastes and your wallet can be satisfied by buying the more expensive, tastier beers? Many delicious Belgian ales, though they cost about twice as much per volume, can have an ABV that's almost three times as high! Where most American lagers run at about 3-4% many Belgian ales and microbrews can be found in the 9-12% range. The quality of the ingredients and the lower overall volume a drinker has to imbibe makes it less likely for one to get a hangover, especially when drinking water dutifully between each serving. The high ABV means you have to buy fewer beers to get drunk. The fancy label means people will be impressed by your snootery.
This has been a public service announcement sponsored by "Off the Wagon" magazine LLC. athankew.
This has been a public service announcement sponsored by "Off the Wagon" magazine LLC. athankew.