Ive been pushing this blog for some time now, and every time i do something else happens worth putting out there...
So i went to the only place where i knew i would be inspire to write... The Beach, this is one of the places where nothing else matters, this is where people come to unwind and forget about their crazy lives for a second.
A lot has happened in the past few weeks, i have made mistakes, i have done some great things, i have learned and most of all, i have had fun and done things that i should've been doing a long time ago but didn't just for the fact that i wasn't appreciating what i have and wasn't living to the fullest but enough of that... lets begin:
I have been going out a lot... i mean a lot and its not the best but at the same time i have met a lot of cool new people and it has help me with refining my social skills which were bad so i see that as a positive
, also i went on a road trip to Richmond with tiff and loved it, lots of fun.
As some of you know from reading Nerra's blog, we went to Richmond to the Edgar Allan Poe museum and totally loved it, had a great time and i love that place, i guess is just the fact that since i got back i have been in the same place but whatever.
I have been on leave since the 20th so i have had a lot of time to relax and forget about work for a change, im feeling great right now and totally not looking forward to going back to work but hey, nothing last forever.
Went to Fairfax on friday for the Kings Of Leon concert with my friend tiff and it was one of the best experiences I've had since i joined the army and i got to thank tiff mostly for that, it was a great concert but a fuckin asshole hit my car as i was getting out of the parking lot at the end of the concert and i couldn't do shit about it for reasons which i would prefer not to mention all i can say is that there were cops around and so... you get me?... anyway i had a blast and will probably do it again soon!!!
It all cant be good news though, I've been having some trouble controlling my heart, i mean, im kinda in love with my best friend and what kills me its that shes got a boyfriend whom she doesn't love because she has told me several times and she knows i like her and it kills me on the inside because im her best friend, she loves me and i love her but i hate that she tortures me like that, im not pushing her to break up with him because im a gentleman and a good guy and got boundaries but i have tried to open her eyes because in reality its not healthy to be with somebody if you don't feel anything for them and the more you hold it inside the worst because in the end the consecuences are gonna be devastating. But anyway its not like im stuck to this girl, i have tried to move on lots of times and to my dismay i have had no success and that is a little frustrating because every time i put myself out there i get crushed and mostly because all the girls i meet only go for the jock kind, the tool, the complete asshole and im not that, ok, i don't conform to the regular standards of what a regular guy of my age should be like but i see that as something unique, thats what makes me ME and thats what i hate about these bitches(forgive my language, not all girls are bitches, specially not the SG ones) that think they fit the stereotype of a perfect little barbie girl and think that they're better than everybody, that is what i hate the most about american girls, not to be an asshole but girls in my country are down to earth, they don't judge a person for what they have or what they're worth or what they look like, and seeing how most people are here, materialistic and superficial it kills me... i am really not in the best place right now, thats mainly why im enjoying my life, because i need a distraction, i need to forget about it and it seems to be working... until yesterday.
Yesterday me and my friend jon went to the spring festival by Hampton university which btw was a blast... but anyway i have found myself in a love triangle and that really really sucks. It all started a couple months ago right after my friend jon moved into his place we both met this girl, she is a really cool girl and really cute, so i told jon that i liked her but i couldn't make a move, im the kinda guy that thinks a lot before doin something and so weeks passed and i didn't do anything, but jon did, he went out with her a couple months and it made me feel really stupid because it was mainly my fault for over thinking shit but anyways after a month or so he dumped her cause he was seeing another girl already, so he stopped seeing her which made me feel a little better but my stupid ass still didn't do what was supposed to do and so it all takes me to yesterday, we saw her at the festival and he treated her like and asshole the whole time until at one point we were alone and she asked me what was wrong with jon, also told me that she still liked him and that she couldn't get over him and so i did what i always do and was honest about it, i told her that he didn't wanted anything with her and that he just wanted to have fun and that he wasn't ready to be in a relationship with anybody and he wanted to be just friends... later that night she thanked me for being honest to her and asked me why i had told her all that and i straight up told her that i liked her but that the whole situation was fucked up and so now im talkin to her in hopes that she forgets about him and i will not ask anything in return... if its true that good guys finish last then i will conform to that in hopes of finding the one person that makes me happy one day. One can only hope because hope its the last thing u loose.
PS: i think a got a stalker... really creepy... oh and im finally going to play soccer on wednesday, very excited and another thing, got family coming to visit tomorrow, pretty stoked for that one too... i guess the future holds nothing but good things!!!
will post pics later... right now heading to the bar... is mug day!!!! HELL YEAH!!!
Monday morning update: omg is to early in the morning to do this, just got a call this morning with an offer i couldn't resist... Kuwait!!!
I was still asleep so when i got the call i said i was gonna think about it and i did, called my mom and told her i was going and so now i have made my decision... im going, fuck it why not???
Wednesday Update: So im goin to kuwait and realized that the girl im in love with is goin to... its gonna b a long and painful year for me... also my cousin from colombia is visitin and he met that ceratin girl and befor he even met her he said that she liked me just because the way she was actin with me so that really fucks me up cause im not the only one who sais that so its pure torture...
also the love triangle situation is not goin pretty good either because i have been talkin to the girl for the past couple days and she invited me to her soccer game friday but i ask her to go out with me before that so well see how that goes, but also i got like 2 more dates on the same day so i have no idea what to do, i like 2 of the girls im goin out with but i know if i play with ppls feeling ill b doin the first thing im against for... i dont play with ppls hearts im not like that... ill add another update tomorrow. I got more to add and im kinda tired right now so...
So i went to the only place where i knew i would be inspire to write... The Beach, this is one of the places where nothing else matters, this is where people come to unwind and forget about their crazy lives for a second.
A lot has happened in the past few weeks, i have made mistakes, i have done some great things, i have learned and most of all, i have had fun and done things that i should've been doing a long time ago but didn't just for the fact that i wasn't appreciating what i have and wasn't living to the fullest but enough of that... lets begin:
I have been going out a lot... i mean a lot and its not the best but at the same time i have met a lot of cool new people and it has help me with refining my social skills which were bad so i see that as a positive

As some of you know from reading Nerra's blog, we went to Richmond to the Edgar Allan Poe museum and totally loved it, had a great time and i love that place, i guess is just the fact that since i got back i have been in the same place but whatever.
I have been on leave since the 20th so i have had a lot of time to relax and forget about work for a change, im feeling great right now and totally not looking forward to going back to work but hey, nothing last forever.
Went to Fairfax on friday for the Kings Of Leon concert with my friend tiff and it was one of the best experiences I've had since i joined the army and i got to thank tiff mostly for that, it was a great concert but a fuckin asshole hit my car as i was getting out of the parking lot at the end of the concert and i couldn't do shit about it for reasons which i would prefer not to mention all i can say is that there were cops around and so... you get me?... anyway i had a blast and will probably do it again soon!!!

It all cant be good news though, I've been having some trouble controlling my heart, i mean, im kinda in love with my best friend and what kills me its that shes got a boyfriend whom she doesn't love because she has told me several times and she knows i like her and it kills me on the inside because im her best friend, she loves me and i love her but i hate that she tortures me like that, im not pushing her to break up with him because im a gentleman and a good guy and got boundaries but i have tried to open her eyes because in reality its not healthy to be with somebody if you don't feel anything for them and the more you hold it inside the worst because in the end the consecuences are gonna be devastating. But anyway its not like im stuck to this girl, i have tried to move on lots of times and to my dismay i have had no success and that is a little frustrating because every time i put myself out there i get crushed and mostly because all the girls i meet only go for the jock kind, the tool, the complete asshole and im not that, ok, i don't conform to the regular standards of what a regular guy of my age should be like but i see that as something unique, thats what makes me ME and thats what i hate about these bitches(forgive my language, not all girls are bitches, specially not the SG ones) that think they fit the stereotype of a perfect little barbie girl and think that they're better than everybody, that is what i hate the most about american girls, not to be an asshole but girls in my country are down to earth, they don't judge a person for what they have or what they're worth or what they look like, and seeing how most people are here, materialistic and superficial it kills me... i am really not in the best place right now, thats mainly why im enjoying my life, because i need a distraction, i need to forget about it and it seems to be working... until yesterday.
Yesterday me and my friend jon went to the spring festival by Hampton university which btw was a blast... but anyway i have found myself in a love triangle and that really really sucks. It all started a couple months ago right after my friend jon moved into his place we both met this girl, she is a really cool girl and really cute, so i told jon that i liked her but i couldn't make a move, im the kinda guy that thinks a lot before doin something and so weeks passed and i didn't do anything, but jon did, he went out with her a couple months and it made me feel really stupid because it was mainly my fault for over thinking shit but anyways after a month or so he dumped her cause he was seeing another girl already, so he stopped seeing her which made me feel a little better but my stupid ass still didn't do what was supposed to do and so it all takes me to yesterday, we saw her at the festival and he treated her like and asshole the whole time until at one point we were alone and she asked me what was wrong with jon, also told me that she still liked him and that she couldn't get over him and so i did what i always do and was honest about it, i told her that he didn't wanted anything with her and that he just wanted to have fun and that he wasn't ready to be in a relationship with anybody and he wanted to be just friends... later that night she thanked me for being honest to her and asked me why i had told her all that and i straight up told her that i liked her but that the whole situation was fucked up and so now im talkin to her in hopes that she forgets about him and i will not ask anything in return... if its true that good guys finish last then i will conform to that in hopes of finding the one person that makes me happy one day. One can only hope because hope its the last thing u loose.

PS: i think a got a stalker... really creepy... oh and im finally going to play soccer on wednesday, very excited and another thing, got family coming to visit tomorrow, pretty stoked for that one too... i guess the future holds nothing but good things!!!
will post pics later... right now heading to the bar... is mug day!!!! HELL YEAH!!!
Monday morning update: omg is to early in the morning to do this, just got a call this morning with an offer i couldn't resist... Kuwait!!!
I was still asleep so when i got the call i said i was gonna think about it and i did, called my mom and told her i was going and so now i have made my decision... im going, fuck it why not???
Wednesday Update: So im goin to kuwait and realized that the girl im in love with is goin to... its gonna b a long and painful year for me... also my cousin from colombia is visitin and he met that ceratin girl and befor he even met her he said that she liked me just because the way she was actin with me so that really fucks me up cause im not the only one who sais that so its pure torture...
also the love triangle situation is not goin pretty good either because i have been talkin to the girl for the past couple days and she invited me to her soccer game friday but i ask her to go out with me before that so well see how that goes, but also i got like 2 more dates on the same day so i have no idea what to do, i like 2 of the girls im goin out with but i know if i play with ppls feeling ill b doin the first thing im against for... i dont play with ppls hearts im not like that... ill add another update tomorrow. I got more to add and im kinda tired right now so...
I have always said and you too... Sometimes the fight is worth it in the end. But that only happens if you get the girl. :-) I luv ya man if you need me call or text.