this may seem kinda weird and it probably is but is just how i feel and it seems to be how my friend brittany feels too(we got a lot in common when it comes to thinkin and just drifting away in our own
but anyway im postin somethin brittany posted on her myspace wich after spendin time with a very special person made think about the same thing. here it goes...
You know what... I had a rough night tonight and now I am in bed trying to figure everything out. What do I do about him? Should I have went and seen Danny instead of stayed home today? How do I know he really cares? Is there no mercy for someone who has been suffering for so long... And why am I being so selfish?6 Does he care that I cried myself to sleep earlier? Seriously, why am I being so selfish? What is that saying... No good deed goes... What is it? How come dogs can't talk? How did the first cavemen know when it was their birthday and how did make a cake? Who was the first New Years Baby? How does swiss cheese get the holes in it? What were William Shakespeares parents like? Or better yet... What were Edgar Allen Poes parents like that he became so morbid? Was it due to a lost love?17 If so, am I going to continue to be morbid for the rest of my life... maybe write a few evil depressing and cynical poems or stories and then ending my life in a memorable fashion...? WHAT?19 Yeh, that will never happen. I'm creative but not suicidal. Although I do like to drink when times get rough.. which is bad I know but who is going to stop me... LOL! Do you think the president wheres boxers ro tighty whities? Why do tigers have stripes? Is it because they're great? Do you think this paragraph makes me look fat? How come? What for? Who cares? Is it important? Why did the chicken really cross the road? You think that chicken had any idea that that one particular idea that by him ...or her merely crossing a road that it would become one of the longest running jokes in history? What was the first joke ever told?31 Do you listen to Mozart? What is with being able to give people kudos via the internet? Does anyone understand me? Which way did he go? Who really framed Roger Rabbit? Iggy, where are your parents? Do you want to know what I think? How do they get that little ship inside the bottle? How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb? Whos Drop Dead Fred? Where is the love? Whats for dinner? ...Im thirsty, where's my water? Do you know what the square root of pie is? Do you even like pie? How many times do I have to tell you? Can you Can Can? Do you dipty dipty doowop? Does any of this make sense to anyone? Did you know that vacuums suck, change machines make sence, and ants fall to the right side when inebriated? Wheres the beef?52 Whats your credit score? How does he do it? Is there anyone here who believes these two should not be joined in marriage...? Do you know the muffin man? What? Is it raining where your at? Have you hugged a tree lately? Why do I feel the way I feel when all I want to feel is the feeling of being loved? Does god hate and despise me? Am I going to die? Am I going to hell? Can I use your bathroom? Where did you put the thing at? Want some candy? Who put the bop in the bop shebop shebop? Who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong? WHo was that man? Is it in his eyes? Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry? Can I have another? Whats with the fifty questions? Who died and made you dictator of the universe? How old are we? Can we please act our ages?77 Can you believe that I actually have 80 questions on here? Did you count them all? Did you think I was lying???
this might not make a lot of sense when you read it but in my head it makes perfect sense and in the end thats all it matters, brittany is kinda goin through a rough situation right now(shes stuck in a love triangle) and off course i might be goin through the same thing(shit!!! why cant be love be easier???) but in conclusion me and brittany have the same thinkin thus makin me post this on here cause i know that she will read this and hopefully something good will come out of all this shenanigans(lol... shenanigans!!!) im an idiot.
in the end i think the best thing for me is to open up and say everything i feel, i know shes gonna be like what the fuck??? and shes gonna deny it at first but theres still gonna be a thought in the back of her head thats gonna be askin her... was i too radical when i took it back??? should i have handle the situation differently???
can i give him(me) a second chance??? (think about that you know who because i know you couldve gave me a second chance but you just threw it all away, it may have been because you didnt want to get hurt again but it may have been because you were too proud... i dont know but wahtever the reason was... i think i deserved a second chance.) again... im an idiot for doing what i did but im not gonna let you go because i know i deserve a second chance and because i know that if i dont fight for what i love it will just seem like i dont care... and i do, i do care about you.
but anyway im postin somethin brittany posted on her myspace wich after spendin time with a very special person made think about the same thing. here it goes...
You know what... I had a rough night tonight and now I am in bed trying to figure everything out. What do I do about him? Should I have went and seen Danny instead of stayed home today? How do I know he really cares? Is there no mercy for someone who has been suffering for so long... And why am I being so selfish?6 Does he care that I cried myself to sleep earlier? Seriously, why am I being so selfish? What is that saying... No good deed goes... What is it? How come dogs can't talk? How did the first cavemen know when it was their birthday and how did make a cake? Who was the first New Years Baby? How does swiss cheese get the holes in it? What were William Shakespeares parents like? Or better yet... What were Edgar Allen Poes parents like that he became so morbid? Was it due to a lost love?17 If so, am I going to continue to be morbid for the rest of my life... maybe write a few evil depressing and cynical poems or stories and then ending my life in a memorable fashion...? WHAT?19 Yeh, that will never happen. I'm creative but not suicidal. Although I do like to drink when times get rough.. which is bad I know but who is going to stop me... LOL! Do you think the president wheres boxers ro tighty whities? Why do tigers have stripes? Is it because they're great? Do you think this paragraph makes me look fat? How come? What for? Who cares? Is it important? Why did the chicken really cross the road? You think that chicken had any idea that that one particular idea that by him ...or her merely crossing a road that it would become one of the longest running jokes in history? What was the first joke ever told?31 Do you listen to Mozart? What is with being able to give people kudos via the internet? Does anyone understand me? Which way did he go? Who really framed Roger Rabbit? Iggy, where are your parents? Do you want to know what I think? How do they get that little ship inside the bottle? How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb? Whos Drop Dead Fred? Where is the love? Whats for dinner? ...Im thirsty, where's my water? Do you know what the square root of pie is? Do you even like pie? How many times do I have to tell you? Can you Can Can? Do you dipty dipty doowop? Does any of this make sense to anyone? Did you know that vacuums suck, change machines make sence, and ants fall to the right side when inebriated? Wheres the beef?52 Whats your credit score? How does he do it? Is there anyone here who believes these two should not be joined in marriage...? Do you know the muffin man? What? Is it raining where your at? Have you hugged a tree lately? Why do I feel the way I feel when all I want to feel is the feeling of being loved? Does god hate and despise me? Am I going to die? Am I going to hell? Can I use your bathroom? Where did you put the thing at? Want some candy? Who put the bop in the bop shebop shebop? Who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong? WHo was that man? Is it in his eyes? Do you really want to hurt me? Do you really want to make me cry? Can I have another? Whats with the fifty questions? Who died and made you dictator of the universe? How old are we? Can we please act our ages?77 Can you believe that I actually have 80 questions on here? Did you count them all? Did you think I was lying???
this might not make a lot of sense when you read it but in my head it makes perfect sense and in the end thats all it matters, brittany is kinda goin through a rough situation right now(shes stuck in a love triangle) and off course i might be goin through the same thing(shit!!! why cant be love be easier???) but in conclusion me and brittany have the same thinkin thus makin me post this on here cause i know that she will read this and hopefully something good will come out of all this shenanigans(lol... shenanigans!!!) im an idiot.

in the end i think the best thing for me is to open up and say everything i feel, i know shes gonna be like what the fuck??? and shes gonna deny it at first but theres still gonna be a thought in the back of her head thats gonna be askin her... was i too radical when i took it back??? should i have handle the situation differently???
can i give him(me) a second chance??? (think about that you know who because i know you couldve gave me a second chance but you just threw it all away, it may have been because you didnt want to get hurt again but it may have been because you were too proud... i dont know but wahtever the reason was... i think i deserved a second chance.) again... im an idiot for doing what i did but im not gonna let you go because i know i deserve a second chance and because i know that if i dont fight for what i love it will just seem like i dont care... and i do, i do care about you.