So... i just realized something, most of the people that surround me are not worth a shit, i knew this before but now im fed up and i think im gonna do something about it, im gonna start gettin rid of the people that only talk to me when they want something or the ones that think therye so much better than you, or the ones that say theyre your friends but the moment theyre with somebody else they turn against you. Thos people ought to burn in hell, i only wish nothing but the best for those people and that they find a motherfucker that open their eyes so they realize what pieces of shit they are. Im too good of a guy sometimes and that gives people the oportunity to fuck me over but im done, im not gonna say that im gonna change just like that but i will start by gettin rid of some of the shit in my life.
On a different but adjacent subject, i have hit the point of no return in my carreer, its time that i start askin the question what is it that im gonna do, on one hand its stayin in and wonder what couldve been and be miserable but safe and on the other hand its the infinite posibilities that life brings, living with no regrets but with no benefits guaranteed. the choice shouldnt be that hard, the sayin goes that if youre not a rebel by the age of 20 you got no heart but if you havent turn to establishment by the age of 30 you got no brains and the reality is that part of me wants to be a rebel but theres the other part thats in constant fear of the unknown and they both argue until they drive me crazy, another thing is that i change my thoughts about what i do every day if not every hour, sometimes work is so shitty all i think about is total anarchy, but sometime work is so easy and chill that i get comfortable(thats wrong by the way) and i dont care about all the bullshit that happens around me so with that said and to make a final point: i have time to make my decision and i know its not around the corner but at the same time i dont have time and the more time passes the harder my decision is gonna be.
I guess what im readin in this book is very real, theres only one life and whenever you make a choice youre always gonna wonder what if??? thats just the way the human mind works.
On a different but adjacent subject, i have hit the point of no return in my carreer, its time that i start askin the question what is it that im gonna do, on one hand its stayin in and wonder what couldve been and be miserable but safe and on the other hand its the infinite posibilities that life brings, living with no regrets but with no benefits guaranteed. the choice shouldnt be that hard, the sayin goes that if youre not a rebel by the age of 20 you got no heart but if you havent turn to establishment by the age of 30 you got no brains and the reality is that part of me wants to be a rebel but theres the other part thats in constant fear of the unknown and they both argue until they drive me crazy, another thing is that i change my thoughts about what i do every day if not every hour, sometimes work is so shitty all i think about is total anarchy, but sometime work is so easy and chill that i get comfortable(thats wrong by the way) and i dont care about all the bullshit that happens around me so with that said and to make a final point: i have time to make my decision and i know its not around the corner but at the same time i dont have time and the more time passes the harder my decision is gonna be.
I guess what im readin in this book is very real, theres only one life and whenever you make a choice youre always gonna wonder what if??? thats just the way the human mind works.