I think the army is not ready for me yet...
Ive been deployed for 15 months with this company, i dont want to talk bad about it but i just have to say the actions of my superiors speak for themselves.
Heres the deal, about 5 months ago i was approached by my commander to arrange the painting of a mural, this mural is a tradition for all the units that come and go through this camp, to leave a mark. Well and so time passed and nothing else was speaked of the subject.... until a couple days ago, me and one of my coworkers, who also draws were approached by one of our supervisors to do it and we were given regular paint and brushes to do it, we said that with so little time it was absurd to paint it like that and requested for spray paint, we were given 5 cans, only 5 cans of spary paint and 3 days to do it.
So i came up with a design for a graffiti spelling the vessel's name we were on and everybody aggreed on it, or at least thats what i thought. We started painting at 10pm with shitty materials i might add and we finished our work at 2am, we decided to get more paint from our replacements and went down to ask for more so we could touch it up the following night, we ot a couple cans and we came back and went to sleep.
This morning after a shitty couple hours of sleep i found out that my commander had bitch about the mural to my supervisor and they made the other people paint over it, so thats the conclusion of my story, now they are painting some bullshit drawing that i did about a tigger shark and they're using all my ideas to paint the fuckin mural. Aint that a fuckin thing, im sick to my stomach and i think this is bullshit.
You know how the saying goes, "take a pic, itll last longer" thank god i took pics... here it is>>>

Ive been deployed for 15 months with this company, i dont want to talk bad about it but i just have to say the actions of my superiors speak for themselves.
Heres the deal, about 5 months ago i was approached by my commander to arrange the painting of a mural, this mural is a tradition for all the units that come and go through this camp, to leave a mark. Well and so time passed and nothing else was speaked of the subject.... until a couple days ago, me and one of my coworkers, who also draws were approached by one of our supervisors to do it and we were given regular paint and brushes to do it, we said that with so little time it was absurd to paint it like that and requested for spray paint, we were given 5 cans, only 5 cans of spary paint and 3 days to do it.
So i came up with a design for a graffiti spelling the vessel's name we were on and everybody aggreed on it, or at least thats what i thought. We started painting at 10pm with shitty materials i might add and we finished our work at 2am, we decided to get more paint from our replacements and went down to ask for more so we could touch it up the following night, we ot a couple cans and we came back and went to sleep.
This morning after a shitty couple hours of sleep i found out that my commander had bitch about the mural to my supervisor and they made the other people paint over it, so thats the conclusion of my story, now they are painting some bullshit drawing that i did about a tigger shark and they're using all my ideas to paint the fuckin mural. Aint that a fuckin thing, im sick to my stomach and i think this is bullshit.
You know how the saying goes, "take a pic, itll last longer" thank god i took pics... here it is>>>

I know, the day after i wa told by almost near everybody in the base that it was cool and it stand out from everything else and when they when to repaint it, evrybody protested because they were doin that, evrybody liked it, except that one person. I fuckin hate it.
Now i dont even want to see the new mural, even though they used my design to paint it. I drew a design for a unit tee a couple months back and it was a tiger shark with big muscles and holding an anchor(inside joke) wich wasnt even approved by my commander but now it was used on the mural, my mural. This is by far the shortest time i had a graffiti up before repaint. I guess i got to drive oon and show them that this insident its not gonna hold me down!!!