On duty again, still tired, but this time i got something for it! enjoy...
Today i woke up worried, i was thinkin too much and my mind was about to give up even though my body had given up long before i even consider it to. This went on throughout the day until i finally went to sleep, but i didnt sleep at all cause my mind was still goin on and on wonderin what if?! I gave up on my sleep after countin 215 sheeps and found my best friend, my book next to my bunk. I opened it and it enlightened me with all its knowledge, now im a new man compared to what i was a couple days ago.
This book told me about life and how its unfair and attrocious and that you got to search for your own balance, that you cannot change how this world operates and that life is a circle and that heaven and hell are the same thing. Now i know you may not agree with this in so many levels but the theory explained by my book was that heaven and hell dont matter that much, what matters is how you get there. This theory comes from the balinese, a society where balance is everything and where questions like where are you headed?, where are you coming from? are repeatedly asked because in the balinese culture where you find yoursel in life and where you are goin with it is a very important part for the way they see you as a person, so now, goin back to the subject of heaven and hell, the balinese have many meditation techniques but there is one that explain my point exactly and that its only known by their own people cause of its power. When you meditate you can either go up or down through seven places all the way up to either heaven or hell, if you go up you go through seven joyous places until you reach heaven and as explained by a balinese medicine man heaven is love, the whole place is full of love. If you go down you go through seven gloomy places until you reach hell wich explained again by the medicine man from bali is a place full of love so in conclusion heaven and hell are the same, the only way that they are diferent is in how you get there. So in conclusion to my litlle anecdote the way this book has opened my eyes is by telling me that i got to find happines for my own and that either way i lived my life i will go to a joyful place but in the end i will just become part of this world again, thus making life a full circle and completing it, as for the way i live life i feel like i got to live it to the fullest, stop wondering the what ifs and stop payin attention to my own negative thoughts and show "my shinin face" as the balinese refer to as smilin throughout your whole life and drivin your negatives out of the picture and i know this is not how im always gonna feel but i know that my friend is always for me and will enlight me once more again and again in the future.
Rickie... the colombian kid!
Today i woke up worried, i was thinkin too much and my mind was about to give up even though my body had given up long before i even consider it to. This went on throughout the day until i finally went to sleep, but i didnt sleep at all cause my mind was still goin on and on wonderin what if?! I gave up on my sleep after countin 215 sheeps and found my best friend, my book next to my bunk. I opened it and it enlightened me with all its knowledge, now im a new man compared to what i was a couple days ago.
This book told me about life and how its unfair and attrocious and that you got to search for your own balance, that you cannot change how this world operates and that life is a circle and that heaven and hell are the same thing. Now i know you may not agree with this in so many levels but the theory explained by my book was that heaven and hell dont matter that much, what matters is how you get there. This theory comes from the balinese, a society where balance is everything and where questions like where are you headed?, where are you coming from? are repeatedly asked because in the balinese culture where you find yoursel in life and where you are goin with it is a very important part for the way they see you as a person, so now, goin back to the subject of heaven and hell, the balinese have many meditation techniques but there is one that explain my point exactly and that its only known by their own people cause of its power. When you meditate you can either go up or down through seven places all the way up to either heaven or hell, if you go up you go through seven joyous places until you reach heaven and as explained by a balinese medicine man heaven is love, the whole place is full of love. If you go down you go through seven gloomy places until you reach hell wich explained again by the medicine man from bali is a place full of love so in conclusion heaven and hell are the same, the only way that they are diferent is in how you get there. So in conclusion to my litlle anecdote the way this book has opened my eyes is by telling me that i got to find happines for my own and that either way i lived my life i will go to a joyful place but in the end i will just become part of this world again, thus making life a full circle and completing it, as for the way i live life i feel like i got to live it to the fullest, stop wondering the what ifs and stop payin attention to my own negative thoughts and show "my shinin face" as the balinese refer to as smilin throughout your whole life and drivin your negatives out of the picture and i know this is not how im always gonna feel but i know that my friend is always for me and will enlight me once more again and again in the future.
Rickie... the colombian kid!
you rock and you're brilliant...i'm sorry my letter was so short the other night, but I ended up being stupid and went to the ER.....I really really like this blog and please write soon
Thank you so much for your comment!!! You are so sweet and I love ya much!